BAD REPAIR! Those front rails should have been replaced. Once structural parts like that have been weakened they have to be replaced! Those rails will break if the vehicle got hit in the front again. That rear body panel should have been replaced too. HE CRACKED THE FREAKIN SEAM SEAL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! You can't return that car with cracked seam seal. It ill start to leak and water will get in the trunk and begin to rust the damn trunk floor! BAD REPAIR! UGH!
Your channel is great! I’m very impressed by your interesting videos. Very nice , unique and refresh. I am the manager of the Banggood shopping web, we want to send you some gifts and make some review videos. Are you interested in this? Can you give me an email to choose some products? my email adress is [email protected]. I am expecting your early reply and discuss more details with you. we desire a long-term cooperation.And I also often upload some videos made by myself. Maybe we can subscribe and share ideas to each other.
Arthur thanks for take your time make these nice videos I'm learning a lot with you I enjoy your videos and when I'm doing repair I always remembered of you Many thanks
I like their work watch videos and see the metal put in place and see that the already sinister cars go back to the road I would like to Spanish translation. Thank you Arthur
29 комментариев
Dobra rabota .
good repair
My sister can repair this
nice job
супер !!! Вот бы мне так!!!
Отлично 😉
Артур, а где вы находитесь? (территориально). Я бы к вам со своим калибром подъехал. На ремон)
Тянем-стукаем и так всю жизнь…
Nice job
nice work.
BAD REPAIR! Those front rails should have been replaced. Once structural parts like that have been weakened they have to be replaced! Those rails will break if the vehicle got hit in the front again. That rear body panel should have been replaced too. HE CRACKED THE FREAKIN SEAM SEAL FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! You can't return that car with cracked seam seal. It ill start to leak and water will get in the trunk and begin to rust the damn trunk floor! BAD REPAIR! UGH!
great job fantastic
Отличное, познавательное видео! Для облегчения Ваших трудов советую отличный автоинструмент
good video and information, thanks
Your channel is great! I’m very impressed by your interesting videos. Very nice , unique and refresh. I am the manager of the Banggood shopping web, we want to send you some gifts and make some review videos. Are you interested in this? Can you give me an email to choose some products? my email adress is [email protected]. I am expecting your early reply and discuss more details with you. we desire a long-term cooperation.And I also often upload some videos made by myself. Maybe we can subscribe and share ideas to each other.
you are an artist at work!!!!
Thanks for sharing! What kind of stud welder was that with the built in puller?
very bad work.
Boy you sure do a fine job! 🙂 keep up the good work!
muito bom…..
ótimo excelente profissional Parabéns
Not safe but I have to say great craftsmanship… !
Zdrastvite Artur brat kak mojna kupit stent unikar ya toji mastir ucnika avto jistyanki pmagiti mine kupit unikar ?
adres i seni skolki skajiti vi skoklka kupita etat unikar
Arthur the dent puller that you have what mark is it , did you buy it from state , ?
Arthur thanks for take your time make these nice videos
I'm learning a lot with you
I enjoy your videos and when I'm doing repair I always remembered of you
Many thanks
I like their work watch videos and see the metal put in place and see that the already sinister cars go back to the road I would like to Spanish translation. Thank you Arthur