Если вы подписаны на этот канал, вы, вероятно, знаете, что с низким уровнем черного bmw 7 … владелец просто окунул автомобиль по адресу: https://www.facebook.com/dipstyle1
Видео сделано для: https://www.facebook.com/JanteMAM.AnvelopeSYRON
МУЗЫКА: Boeboe — Drift (усиление баса)
19 комментариев
Dipped BMW 7 Series w/ airride
Ce motor are seria 7?
O singura întrebare cu ce editezi ?
Nice work Santos!
1:58 a observat cineva coltul la bara spate ?
You reloaded it again!:D
Era mai frumos cand era negru cu jantele de la voussen weels,decat acum mov mat cu jante schimbate,dar nu-i rau nici acum doar ca inaite arata mai bine…
+Mubariz Alizade
Arată bine , dar era mai frumos negru cu Vossen .. ( E doar părerea mea )
This 7er BMW was better with BLACK COLOR!!!
i love dick
culoarea cred ca este mov perlat si are si angel eyes
man someday we are goin to be extinct,the human race will vanish and aliens will find this planet,they will find ur hardrive and find this video and gaze upon it and think "what the fuck were these monkeys doing,instead of researching interstellar travel and imortallity they just made bmws,buyed 40.000$ watches and got having their dicks sucked by the females with fake tits at 150km/h on roads,what lossers,they can never feel the power of living forever in huge metal spaceships and doing math"
at 1:07 alot of that smoke is coming out of the exhaust
BMW si Plank .. tare rau
Hasta olmuş …
awesome edit!
fain bmw