Take our free Day Trading Challenge: I will give you a demo account with a $500 profit target. You will have one week to prove to me that you have what it takes to become a successful trader. If you pass the challenge, you will get a live trading account, education, access to my trading room, and earn 70% of the profits you will generate. Join here: http://www.tradenet.com/funded-trading-accounts/5-day-demo-challenge/
Subscribe for NEW You Tube trading lesson here: https://youtube.com/user/TradenetGlobalUK?sub_confirmation=1
Helpful links:
Join my trading group: Get education & a Funded Account:
Watch my FREE live You Tube streaming Trading Room: https://www.youtube.com/c/TradenetGlobalUK/live
Join a FREE 14 day trial in my live Trading Room: https://www.tradenet.com/14-day-free-trial/?affiliate_id=35955&affiliate_org=2&web_page=&placement=&campaign_id=7010O000000fKjw
Watch all my lessons here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLb9tmPwCEfFjZWiIEYa4BfF4BZX0F0mWz
View the FREE «Part one» of my trading book «The Market Whisperer» here: http://books.tradenet.com/
Buy my best selling book at Amazon:
Open a Colmex account (Non-US residents): https://services.colmexpro.com/registration/start.aspx
Watch all my day trading live videos at: http://www.youtube.com/user/TradenetGlobalUK/videos
Contact Tradenet: [email protected]
Contact Meir Barak: [email protected]
Visit our website: www.tradenet.com
Germany: www.tradenet.de
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12 комментариев
Wow,,,, what a challange!
I won this challenge and used my profits from the intro package to upgrade to the student account! It's been an awesome journey thank you. StockTwits.com/JalenJ
Why so many dislikes on the video?
Meir can u pls tell me whether there s any tradenet App in playstore for android. . I am very much interested. .
I just signed up Meir! I hope you guys pick me. Mariofernandezfl@gmail.com
Hi Meir, how to sign in for this challenge. However, please note my Gmail id. Cherianjoseph09@ gmail.com
Hey I have decent trading knowledge and experience as you can see in my channel… will I still have to do the challenge?
i have already tried a normal colmex demo trial 1 mounth ago. am i allowed to participate in this project?
I am interested . Looking forward to taking the challenge.
I took the challenge last week and made over 500 in profit. When should I hear back?
Meir. why do market makers make the market? like, why weigh in on the opposite side of momentum, why not just side with the buyers on a breakout? what's the point of market makers why do they ''make'' the market?
What's the catch ?