In this video, I reveal the sheer horror that resides inside one of these CTEK chargers, and I track down and remedy an issue that causes the charger to be unresponsive to the mode switch. When done, it does a good job of charging batteries at 4 or 0,65 A, but I’m not sure if one should rely too heavily on one of these.
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30 комментариев
Even more proof that "You don't get what you pay for" LOL good diagnostic video!
I bet the cables you could pull out (mains) from its encloser after removing the bottom lid is HELD in place by the bottom lid 😀 Have seen that design lots before.
Just had a quick view again of the video and you can see what is to hold the cables in place on the bottom lid as you put it down. 😀
trust the market ha haaa
trust the market ha haaa
That is not a Ctek… Cheap Chinese Copy.
This is a really old version of a CTEK charger, atleast 10 years old.
I have a similar model but it is newer (I think.) It has more indicator lights showing what stage of charge it is in instead of just two like this one has. Otherwise has the same modes and is temperature compensated as well. (Is this one? Was there even a microcontroller on it?) Hopefully the new ones are so bodge-tastic!
two years ago i have buy a Ctek charger in a marine shop and I was not so happy with it. After several hours began the charger to smell. The charger become so hot that the plastic case begin to melt.
The marine shop get so many back that he sales was stopped.
The problem is overheating to little cooling possibilities and burnout power regulators. Especially by hot weather.
I don't know if the quality has improved?
just by a Lidl ( tronic) charger, also crap but alot cheaper!
If CTEK and NOCO have dodgy insides, is there a charger you'd recommend?
Thank you, great video! Helped alot I just bought one of these maintainers plugged it in for winter and wouldn't switch modes. Decided to see if anyone else had this problem and a solution before I threw it away. After watching your video I was able to fix it in 5 mins and it works great all thanks to your video. Thank you again.
Interesting, the one found on this video looks quite different:
Almost as if yours was repaired/modified by someone really poorly. Or maybe the build quality has improved, who knows. Almost tempted to open mine to see what it looks like inside…
I have what must be a newer version of this XS3600, it would sit for days at the half charged step, I thought I had a faulty battery, I bought another battery without realising what the charger was doing, but when the charger still wouldn't switch over to "maintenance mode", I did some measurements and found it was trying to put 15v into the battery, it was basically boiling my battery.
I took it apart and although it's slightly better built than yours, I think the only thing "smart" about it is the marketing.
All it does is output a set voltage (should be 14.4v) wait for the current to drop to near zero, it turns off the output and then waits for the battery to self discharge to 12.9v before simply turning on it's output again. There's nothing clever or "smart" going on, it's just a standard battery charger.
What I don't understand it's so damn hard to find any information about these chargers, apart from marketing stuff and internet forum recommendations.
if this is real and not a Chinese copy, that is a super crappy build, it was just as bad 10 years ago as it is now. I have a mus 4.3 that I think is giving me problems, if it is I will be going to reliable battery tenders from now on.
Thank You for some hints for repair, but it was rather difficult to understand Your english.
Just in case… Does anyone reading this have a Benton BX-2 charger?
Mine has blown up two diodes and I need to know their values in order to replace them and have hopefully the device working again.
Thank you very much in advance.
Had a 10 amp and would go to absorb charge on a 11.8 charged AGM battery. Had to keep resetting it. Useless overpriced crap!
Ctek business plan:
99% marketing budget
1% product development
At ctek we believe our customers are real stoopid
* not anymore
Ive had about 5 chargers fail on me over the years so i splashed out on a ctek and it failed in the first year. All i was doing was charging my 2nd battery in my 4wd over a weekend while im not driving my car. About every 3rd weekend.
This CTEK build here is excellent though.
what kind of diod was is that were broken? and is the two of them the same?
Hi! would you be so kind as to tell me what the green component where the cord comes in, next to the pico fuse is? is it a ceramic disc capacitor? i blew mine to kingdom come while testing my selector switch repair and now there is only fragments of it left so i don´t know what it is or what value it should have. i would greatly appreciate any advice given!
The cords are held in by locking tabs on the lid
I have a few of these chargers and better than not charging a battery at all, they are JUNK. Fancy exterior packaging to impress the consumer but nothing more. If you want a very good charger, get a Xantrex TrueCharge.
Hi. I have the same charger, not working too. One failed during warranty with boom action during switch on 🙂 Replaced. Another worked for longer period, maybe some 5 years and died too, symptoms like on video. Today ordered CTEK MXS 5.0, don't know why 🙂 But other chargers are much worse — they promise functionality similar to CTEK, but in real world …. 🙂 Therefore — doesn't die that do nothing 🙂 Ok, will try to fix my 3600 untill MXS 5.0 arrive.
You need to get a scope onto it and check the oscillator frequency and then use a DVM to check the flyback diodes and output smoothing caps. You won't fix it by passing comments and please get the terminology correct. It doesn't 'draw' Watts, it draws current and consumes power. Basic stuff.
designed to break???? I have two that are not charging properly, might open them up and have a look now!
It's the cover that hold the ac cord and 12 volts out it's like a V shape that lock these cords !