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Huge thanks, for a different type of footage!!!
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Kristaps Bluss and legendary Formula Drift car HGK E46
We are a movie and image-movie company!
Like any of you, we love expression, bright colours and important events. We are prepared to immortalise them on film from the ground and from the air, we will fully edit it and make sure it is all of the best quality.
All rights reserved.
No part of this video may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means,
including photocopying, recording, downloading, re-editing or any other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the publisher (Robyworks), except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by the copyright law.
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36 комментариев
Damn we are lucky again! Notification squad hehe
Bija super no Kristapa puses!
Kādam ir informācija par to kapēc Kristaps nepiedalījās noslēdzošajā FormulaDrift posmā Īrvindeilā?
looking good guys!
Keep the content coming! can't get enough!!
Шикардос как обычно!
these shots are so cool!
A like from me
Guys i habe a question. Is there a livestream of these events? Great work btw
Момент со пчелой чего вырезали?)
Love croco, would like to see a proper replica of it for AC or ACC though 😉
So to my understanding you will drive Croco in the EU and Eurofighter in US?
Я крокодил, крокожу и буду крокодить
Кристапс мужик че говорить)
360 kameras, kaut kas jauns
now THIS is a proper short film, very nice
Latvian Rocket
As always, nice work !
this is a proper short film good wrk . . .
Dang that BMW Mline has a good Driftstyle and Croco Too.
Почему на крыше инициалы Леонидыча?
I love how immersive I get into the video. Very well accomplished video <3.
This war machine needs a new livery
So… does that mean we can soon apply for drift camp 2018?
Where is #eurofighter
ZZZzzzzz BĻE follow robyworks on isntagram 😉
Best live ❤️❤️
Will you ever drift in lithuania?
hey roby make a spotify playlist !?!?!
Было бы круто увидеть Критстапса с этим кроко в RDS на Мрв или Нринге 😉