EVO Powersports — https://EvoPowersports.com
Lockharts — https://LockhartsOdyssey.ca
Heatshield Products — https://HeatshieldProducts.com
AUX LED Light Bars — https://amzn.to/2MHlYFx
Headed down to Gopher Dunes to ride while the Maverick X3 DS was being worked on at Lockharts! Ended up crashing and only making 1 video instead of 2! I’m doing alright, bit of swelling and bruising but I’ll survive! Good news is the Maverick is fast as hell 200HP now and should have the wheels on by the end of the week!
Intro Song — «VS» By Shotgun Rules
Tough Duck — http://bit.ly/ToughDuck
LIVWELL Nutrition — http://bit.ly/LIVWELLNutrition
2UNDR — http://bit.ly/2UndrPerformance 20% OFF — «Freeman20»
Rockwell Watches — http://bit.ly/RockwellWatch 20% OFF Code «Freeman408»
LiveFit — http://bit.ly/LiveFitFoods $10 OFF CODE «BIG10»
ROCKSTAR — https://facebook.com/RockstarCanada
MX GRAPHICS — http://www.LimeNine.com «FREEMAN15» 15% OFF
TEAMLTD Apparel — http://bit.ly/TEAMLTD 15% Off Code «Freeman408»
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If you want a SHOUTOUT or just want to send me something cool!
Send Mail To:
Mark Freeman #408
PO Box 272
Thorndale, ON, Canada
For Business Contact ONLY (No Spam or fan emails will be read) — MarkFreeman408(at)Gmail.com
About Mark Freeman #408:
Mark Freeman #408 YouTube channel is dedicated to every extreme sport out there! We started out strictly with motocross and atv quad racing but realized there was only so much to be filmed! Then we added in skydiving, wake boarding, wake surfing, snowmobiling, 4X4 off road vehicles, and tons of different events! On top of that we love jumping cars! We’re all about living the dream and we hope you’ve enjoyed the videos and have subscribed! If you have any suggestions for future videos or would like to collaborate leave a comment below, we would love to hear any feedback as well! Thank you and have a fantastic day! — Team 408
Team 408 & Sponsor Instagrams
Amber — @AmbsMartin_
Justin — @JustinBueckert25
Brad — @BradMc9
Emily — @E.ms_95
Jason — @JasonLeBlanc
Matt — @MattMcguire450
Matt — @Trudgehammer
Brett — @BrettHellyer
Billy — @Six.Twenty.Four
Geoff -@ GeoffreyTuer
Jeff — @JeffWhaling
Kassie — @KassieBoone79
Sean — @HTWshine
TEAMLTD — @teamltd
LimeNine — @limenine
FXR Racing — @fxrracing
LiveFit Foods — @livefitfoods
Rockstar Energy — @rockstarenergycanada
ECD Customs — @ecdcustoms
Rockwell Watches @RockwellWatches
LivWell Nutrition — @livwell_nutrition
CRASH! Handlebars To Crotch! MAVERICK X3 BUILD 200HP!!!! | Mark Freeman #408
Mark Freeman #408
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37 комментариев
U need to stand up more
oh no mr.bill ,say with a really high pitched voice.
Kenny Roberts used to come out of every race with bloody knees. I suggested he wear knee pads. Ever think about wearing a cup when you ride?
What up mark
Junk Hanger!
Buy a golf cart and ramp it to hell
Watch out for those easy turns,,,ouch!!
nice vid
do only the Canadian youtubers get beer ads???
Like the videos keep making them
Hope I win
Haha just did that last week man! Sand is fun but it'll bite ya when your least expecting it. Black and blue all up my right leg! Good vid Mark! Just gotta walk it off sometimes lol
What year is your dirt bike
Keep it up with the great work!
Keep her pinned!! When you gonna jump a subaru lmao
That stinks man but the track looks sweet!!
We should hangout or do a collab sometime
Can I get some stickers or sticker
What things do you have to do to keep your rockstar sponsor ship
Can you come to Niagara Falls New York I wanna meet u so bad
I love the vids! Keep the hustle going
Thx for liking my airsoft content
Hey man will you be doing some drag racing and tug of war?
And I got an idea for you to do take two cars connect them with a chain from the front and yank them on reverse what do you think?
Are you going to be at embro this year?
Love the videos! Blow off valve for the f150 next? Lol also What wheels and tires are coming for the Maverick?
Are you actually planning on getting a new bike? If so what have you decided on?
I’m saving for a new blaster we should ride together when I come to Canada
OH YA SOUNDS SO SICK!!! cant wait for a new video of it ripping
You should jump a cube van!!!
Amazing video ! Right on.
Hey man I was the kid on the one wheel/ hover board that you stopped on the road with your buddies haha, was wondering if I could have a shoutout on one of your vids my channel is jex, and I’m a gaming YouTuber thx man
Badass uping the power on the ol maverick lol. Love the blow off valve sound, that's totally awesome!!!!! Sorry about your nuts lol
Keep up the good work, I like the videos and the content