my k04 s4…around 400hp on jfonz tune…vette pulled on me about 3-4 car lengths on a 60mph pull Ответить
if that cock magnet has 700+ then that audi must be making 550+. just sayin all douche all over the road. Ответить
That is definitely not 750 hp lol.My buddy's CTSV makes 650 crank and moves out much faster than that Vette all while weighing PLENTY more. Ответить
25 комментариев
my k04 s4…around 400hp on jfonz tune…vette pulled on me about 3-4 car lengths on a 60mph pull
Worst ever
corvette got him but thats a mad s4
Vet had him from a role — but from a DIG the Vette would be dusted…
Bye bye, stupid Audi.
How did you go from recording this with a camera to a potato in the blink of an eye?
audi is b5 ..stupid corvette
750 hp my ass, the intro should read "Corvette owner also claims 12 inch penis…."
corvettes suck balls
Boring, waste of my time…
When audi shows up on the road no one's safe lol
both of those cars are most likely around 400HP assuming the S4 is TT
Looked like the vette waxed the German slob.
sorry but audi is s4.. and is b5 very old.. try rs new 🙂
Audi wasent even stage 4 i bet if it was would have shit on the vette
put your windows up lol
Bitch plz
LOL Pos Audi loses to a REAL SPORTS CAR Corvettes<333
stage 2 audi vs vette lol stage 3 from a launch its getting fryed
if that cock magnet has 700+ then that audi must be making 550+. just sayin all douche all over the road.
For real that was probly a stage 3 audi. Agreed waste of time lol
Yay, let's race directly into traffic 75 feet in front of us.
Garden state parkway?
That is definitely not 750 hp lol.
My buddy's CTSV makes 650 crank and moves out much faster than that Vette all while weighing PLENTY more.