Show this guy some love by dropping him a follow on instagram! he drove nearly 3 hours to come and let me film his car and i wanna give back as much as i can!!
Had a really good time filming with dan yesterday his VXR is stunning!
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30 комментариев
Love the car tho <3
can't hear anyone
What BHP is it running
my uncle had one, feels and sounds propper
Not a bad review for a first timer… sure the lad was nearly falling asleep whilst driving haha, you need an Astra vxr review bro mk5 haha maybe mine, loads of future plans for it and a few bits already done ✅
Seen a green nurburgring and a blue standard vxr, the colour is insane on them
Having it on a normal Corsa d wouldn't do it justice because you'd get the attention but you'd have no power haha
BIG REVS = small penis.
Any chance of seeing a golf mate ?
You should do a brutally honest reward with Lee lockward on your corsa!!
Question about your corsa, i know you explained in a previous video but whats the fuel like? Picked up my sri the other week and im going through like £60 a week and i only do around 15 miles a day, got the same cold air intake aswell
Decent first review the owner looked tired but he did drive over 2 hours ….madness keep it up
whens the next meet
Future plans sell it and get a real car.
Sounds nice, but I don't think I could have that amount of noise on my burg though lol
Hi mate, you coming to MFN on the 22nd of July? I can get you a place on our stand, near all the main cars, let me know man. Instagram me: trgoodwinn
Any idea of if he mapped the exhaust in? Debating getting a similar set up on my clubsport, but not sure weather to map it or not
Cracking video mate love it
Wow amazing car !!! Congratulations for the video top my brother! Super LIKE… I invite you to see my Channel about old cars of Brazil. Now with English subtitles to our friends of other countries! Thank you very much and a big hug from Brazil… #MarkinRocha
Nice car that is and very rare. Never seen one nurburgring edition on the road. Personally as its a rare car I'd not touch the exterior. It's unique already as it is
Sounds so tame, defo needs sports cats
Just seen you at Hardwick grange was behind you at the roundabout, the air filter sounds a belter mate
Boring! Get a Ford Fiesta st3
Hi pal, do you have seat covers or are the red and black stock?
Randomly popped up video, I’d be careful if you plan on mapping, 230 bhp ~ and that 4th piston will bite you in the arse. It’s a bloody fun ride though!
Deffo get the fez st, engines are good till 370hp
when/where is the next meet?
E85 going viral ! Go on son
for sale green corsa nurburgring 😀