Thought id justgo for it 😀
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30 комментариев
Ricer carrrr
Get a proper car mate
Who declares mods on there insurance? Lol well I don't
Just get a type r mate.
pretty sure a centre box delete will make it unmot worthy and therefore insurance is invalid anyway
What a chav box, hope it’s nice at McDonald’s
Sounds raspy af
oh god another chavvy corsa wanker
at least it doesn't sound toooo fart canny
As much as I — want to do this, I recall you saying that you recommend it — but I’m curious as to what insurance policies would be like….
Any advice?
Such shit video with a shit car on a shit channel with a shit chav
If you get a corsa get a corsa b and swap a red top C20xe into it so it can actually be decent
“That is sick” hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahaha fkn hell
Put LED side lights in, I have on mine, looks way better
30 mph sounds horrific
You should get it on a dyno
Don’t you feel embarrassed driving that?
"It sounds beafier than it is" its a rice rocket so just say its a rice rocket
nothing 1.0
Saw this video on my feed, so I just thought I’d stop by for the mandatory dislike. Fuck corsa’s.
imagine straight piping a 1.2 n/a corsa
Ok it sounds good but it’s a shit car, slow, chav af
Love your videos bro
Fuck getting 32mpg in a 1.4 corsa when you could get more in a 1.6T fiesta ST
Jesus Christ this is bleak
Car sales man: * slaps roof of car * "This bad boy can fit so much rice in it"
Sounds awesome
Sounds like to be its got a blow , why not just get a race pipe for it?