Ye boys these in person really do make a big difference to the way the car sits from behind, defo worth doing and i dont see many corsas with these installed so yeah, if you want to get a set for yourself hit the link below!
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18 комментариев
Will you change the seats?
yessssss actualy buzzed to see this video, looks good defo gonna get some 😛 nice vid your killing it bro
Used to be all the craze in the 80s just be careful when you reverse you don’t catch them on the kerb and pull them off ,
do a video on your gran's whip
Hi mate, stupid as this sounds, you have to tell your insurance, anything which is added to a car which it didn’t come out from factory is classed as a modification. Even a sticker mate lol
Mud flaps on front too or you prefer just the rears?
Really liked this vlog tbf ….your smashing it now pal ….
Waiting for the exausht video
Dope AF bro!
Mudflaps for McDonald's car park? I didn't think they were muddy
what do ya think they would look like on the front m8…by the way im gettin them on the back…nice one
You still need to lower the car
Looks nice. I just got rid of a type r for the same shape corsa as this albeit a 1.7 tho. 165 bhp remapped. Great car and prefer it to the civic.
How many screws came with your mudflaps? I got 6,3 each flap doesn't seem enough just arrived this morning
Yo J3ESE, would i need to get them installed by a mechanic as i bought some mudflaps but their is a cover or somthing under each wheel arch and i cant get to the holes to fit the flaps?!
Hi mate, I’ve got the same car as you but it’s a 2010 model and the mud flaps don’t fit, is there any way of getting them to fit?