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Hey guys!
Hitting you with the double upload. Whaddup.
Anyway, this is just some HC an94. Nothing special, really. I decided to upload it since I was going to throw it in the bin (not high quality), but you can also see my ReShade in action so I thought «why not». The menu you see in front of the gameplay is the way to configure ReShade.
Here’s the site: https://reshade.me/
Be sure to like and subscribe. I love to interact with my fans, so leave a comment as well! I try and reply to all of them 🙂
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12 комментариев
O_O o shiet the hack menu !!!! your fucked my nigga. BAN FOR LIFE BRUH
see hardcore is the real deal…very nice ! <3
can u play evac next time also in Hc?
Oh yeah at last nice video
Moar hardcore papa
I knew it was a cheater! this video has already been sent to the developers! wait for a ban
you forgot to remove the video from the software! lol
Can u play more HC but in TE? 😀
Reproted fuor hekk plz devlopers ban him
ItsMyMap123 lol
Lol bro it's been 2 years since I keep on watching your videos