Few months ago I decide to invest in sketchbook pro and give it a try.I bought it online,and must say it is awesome tool combining with my graphic tablet genius i608.Here is my small video which shows how I progressed from my first drawing to my latest.I didn’t practiced everyday,cause I had to also focused on 3d modeling job too.I have to say also I’v been dreaming to create something like this for over 20 years,when I started to be interested in car design.Today I know those amazing art works I’v been admired for so long,were created with softwares like photoshop or sketchbook pro and graphic tablet.When I was younger, designers worked also with airbrush,markers and pastels.Today when I see my works and my progress in sketching skills I’m regreting cause I didn’t got my dreams much serious when I was 15 years old,and finish design school.Nowdays I’m doing it for fun and exploring new way of presentation for my design ideas.Anyway I hope you will enjoy my slideshow gallery.
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