Hey everyone on this car vlog I’ll be checking out the GTI’s. I’ve been told GTI sales are down and to use my skills to help get people interested in this car. Let me know if you’d drive one of these cars? If not I’d like to hear your reasons and if so why?
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8 комментариев
bi-xenon projector behind the lens
Another great vid, chad! Thanks. I have a wife and a little one. Do you think a Golf GTI or R is good for small families?
GTI’s are one of the best cars on the road, unfortunately they are too expensive now with little difference in price from the R.
I often wonder why there are so many different iterations in the US as compared to Europe within the same basic model. Sorry to say but we still have the more hard-core versions this side of the pond but on the other hand you have luxury trims I would like to see over here.
I love the GTI and the R. Too bad VW builds absolute crap in terms of vehicle reliability. VWs break very easily and VW of America has shitty customer service. If VW had the vehicle reliability of, for example, a Toyota Camry, then I would buy an R without hesitation.
Maybe if VW would lower the damn price they would sell more.
The GTI MK6 was a better looking car, maybe that's why this one doesn't sell as well.
South East all Hicks no shit