Vlogging my day with GAD Tuning! Decoking the Audi V8 engine has made my car so healthy and green!
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45 комментариев
love the R8
I love your videos mate, when's your next car hunting video coming out?
R8 is shit this channel is just a boring audi sponsered channel
supercarsoflondon = every video audi advert.. unsubbed
Next video the guys dash lights up like a Christmas tree from the ECU remapping!!!!
——> DislikeAnyone else notice the extremely dirty windows at the start?
To all of you saying Audi adverts and all that ballcrap. You can go unsub. You will not make a difference. I subscribed to Paul because of his personality and that I enjoy his vlogs. The car is just a bonus, so keep on hatin, won't make a difference.
Paul,will you ever come in greece?
Why you al hate r8's ?!
I think you messed up the editing at 4:30 Paul haha!
To everyone hating and saying R8s are crap, simply unsubscribe and fuck off.
Finally! Your R8 needed this!
To all the people that love to be fucking negative about everything what the fuck is up with you. Paul is not doing this to be abused, For fuck sake life is too short. I lost my dad to a brain tumour and when something like this happens to your family you realise that giving people shit stressing is just a load of shit. I don't stress about anything i do not raise my voice at anybody because i know that life is short. Not one of us knows how long we here so fuck me people lighten up. Nice one Paul and don't worry about certain people as these people are not going to progress in life. remember this saying people (youth is wasted on the young) thanks from buddy the positive successful happy mother fucker. Live the dream
Seriously, for car guy you must have the dirtiest interior I've seen 🙂 Buy a cloth and wipe it over m8 🙂
How did he get that much money to buy the r8 and a second supercar?
The Gallardo for your second supercar why not
Saw you driving around in Hertfordshire the other day, the car really looks so good in the blue
1:00 even a trucks faster xd
Get a supercharger
His dusty dashboard pisses me off…clean it !!
If I was U I would get a private number plate, bit embarrassing having 2007 r8 that's been wrapped in baby blue. Like u got money to wrap it but can't add few more thounsands for a later car?
Not been a hater but this guys vblogs are getting boring and no one really cares about a old ass V8 R8. Maybe it's time to buy a new ride?
hey paul when u get your 2 supercar will u sell the r8
Most of the people talking shit about the Audi R8 probably either don't have a license and dream of being Lord Aleem or own a 1.2L Corsa. So please if you haters don't mind pissing the fuck off And let the guy post wat he wants of HIS channel. btw thanks Paul for letting me know we're the sat nav is on the New R8. Top man
Will u put a armytrix in ur 2 supercar
Quick question: Is Paul still planning to sell his Audi R8? :s
getting a gallardo is in some ways quite similar to an R8 no? Do you think maybe you would get something different as ur 2nd supercar, like the rear engined new GT3 or the front Jag F-Type?
…then again to each their own. Do you have the price range for your 2nd supercar yet?
I can totally understand that some people are bored by this channel. I mean I am a loyal viewer and subscriber since the early SOL days and think when he got the R8 things started to go sideways. Stop uploading pointless videos of you talking for like 8 minutes!! That's not SOL. Get back on the road and record sick cars in the streets of London. Because that's what used to make your channel. We wanna see sick Arab owned bugattis, lambos ferraris and paganis racing the streets of Knightsbridge, sounds drifts, revs, start ups THAT is what you should record again….Just my opinion.
Hey Paul, please after you make your vlogs and stuff showing around whats happening in Monaco in Top Marques Event, do a big film of supercars full throttle around the city!
I think you were just behind me in tescos, tried to find the r8 but couldn't!
Love your R8, but pls also clean the interiour 😀
Paul, I think a Lamborghini would be your perfect second Supercar. Don't get me wrong I love your R8 but I feel you need to experience owning an Italian Supercar! The LP-560 would be an amazing choice, obviously depends on your budget as they're not exactly cheap haha.
I hope you get the Gallardo brother! That's on my list of cars I will own
Liked the video 🙂
You could have shown some more of the tuning und cleaning of the engine. That sounds quite interesting to me.
What does Paul do for a living?
So your second supercar is a lambo.
Get the new R8 V10 Plus with 610 HP and 330km/h topspeed!!! 😀
Would you ever consider returning the car to silver? It looked so much classier when it was silver.
Hello and erm welcome to audis of london
Who has the patience to watch this guy? Worse yet: this CarbonClean technique is proven snake oil!
hi. will they do older cars? also can you send me they number for carbon clean. Thanks