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Someone suggested we do a rockford over a jump in the Chevy! It seemed like a great idea but I knew the car wasn’t going to last long! Oh well made for a hilarious video! Enjoy!
Intro Song — «VS» By Shotgun Rules
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About Mark Freeman #408:
Mark Freeman #408 YouTube channel is dedicated to every extreme sport out there! We started out strictly with motocross and atv quad racing but realized there was only so much to be filmed! Then we added in skydiving, wake boarding, wake surfing, snowmobiling, 4X4 off road vehicles, and tons of different events! On top of that we love jumping cars! We’re all about living the dream and we hope you’ve enjoyed the videos and have subscribed! If you have any suggestions for future videos or would like to collaborate leave a comment below, we would love to hear any feedback as well! Thank you and have a fantastic day! — Team 408
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CHEVY Reverse ROCKFORD Over A JUMP! DESTROYED!!! | Mark Freeman #408
Mark Freeman #408
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41 комментарий
Do you have gynoclomastia?
Gettin rocked on the RockfErd. Great vid guys!
Put light bar and your truck
Love the Vidoes But I hate the Intro song BRO
Where’s bad Brad daddy Brad dad ?
So 2 idears bulldozer jump ramp with high sides and get 2 all wheel drives front to back chain them up 1 in D and 1 in R lol
Rev the Malabo till it blows up
saturns are plastic AF
u should attempt a trailer race
I’m wanna be enter
Hook a chain to the control arm and pull the tire out it will be good to jump
I like to see a plethora of all those activities.
You need to jump an old street bike that would be jokes!
dude , you really need to try to tweak one of these bad boy`s , make it shit load faster and let it rip ! maybe try some straight racing fuel for a little punch …………..
I'm Buffalo NY AF!
That was fricking awesome. Great jump well played
Love your vids
Make a mud pit at the track
Good thing no one knows the difference between an M Class (motorcycle) helmet and an SA Class (auto) helmet. That would ruin all the fun.
love your videos man
Arpaio and bother ramp
Were is brad I have not seen him in a long time.
Take that subi to scrap and get another Cummins Justin!
The reverse rockford jump was my idea. Mark Freeman you did an awesome job on making it happen. With that being said im more happy that you wore a helmet and did not get hurt. I would have felt bad if you got hurt. Ill have to come up with another idea and see if it works out for you to try. Thanks your friend in Washington.
When are you going to destroy the sport trac?
200,000 more to go. Good Stuff.
That was COOL!
See more amber nd justin wanna see more of justins subaru
you seemed so bummed about that wheel lol
You should death by boot the Malibu!
I live in Barrie Ontario
Nobody actually likes Justin but you should still keep him around he's like a lost pup lmao jk
Blow it up before scrap it!!!
Maybe do the rockford jumps to the Cars that won’t make it to the actual jump. Like that last Caravan or that little Pontiac you bought.
Just jump the dang car.
Love the car stuff
Throw the selfnee stick away
Doing Rockford’s with that VUE is going to be difficult I think because if your moving in reverse or drive and try and shift gears reverse to drive in the Rockford case the TCM will put the transmission into neutral to protect it
Just an idea for the cars that don't make the jump. Put them at the landing point and jump the other cars onto them
Stupid those are beautiful cars how could you do that