Can you use the Audi R8 everyday? This video I attempt to answer that question! However…I definitely plan on making a better video to find a daily Supercar…if that even exists!
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39 комментариев
you look older than me and I'm 32… you can keep you R8…
That's why you should buy a Porsche.
So basically don't be a pussy and you can drive it every day great.
Buy an vanquish it is a supercar dat can b used everyday
So, what does this guy do?
I find the best way to live with an R8 is to simply have another 'normal' car; ideally one that's cheap to tax, insure etc.. I use the R8 as a daily driver, but if I feel it's becoming a bit much, or if I have to make some trips I'm not familiar with, I'll switch to the other temporarily.
I wonder how this compares to the Mercedes Benz AMG GT because according to consensus Mercedes-Benz tend to be comfortable cars. I bet you can use that car every day than the R8.
What's up with the zigzag road lines at around 6:20?
Why would you slow down going over a speed bump. Set the mag ride to stiff and hit them as fast as you want.
if your driving a car where you are constantly worried, whats the point
Please, please get that white speck off the back of your steering wheel. It's doing my head in.
Buy an Hyundai Elantra
I think its absolutely fantastic that you've afforded yourself an R8 at such an age, job well done!
Buy a luxury jeep instead
how are you successful in life
What about the GT-R as a daily supercar
haha so paranoid bro
I just noticed the indicator stalk is just worm on the backside which means a lot of flashing has been done, and no wear on top or on the bottom of it! That's definitely an Audi!
He's only 23? damn he looks 30 or so. he's doing great in life.
do you ever worry about who will care about the car you drive and the ppl who wouldn't care?
Speed bumps are a nightmare. So is parking as the front overhang easily goes over kerbs and can damage the lip spoiler. Ride quality isn't great, and I am comparing this with a Porsche Boxster / 911. Also, that is about the last car you want for trips into London / short trips. No wonder you have high fuel bills 🙂 Car is not designed as a daily driver — get a Golf
western country should be lucky to have no tax payment like singapore/
the answer is no
I own an R8. You don't have to be constantly worried — no one's going to steal a car like that and if they do it's insured. People are nice around here. I haven't had anyone key my car or do anything to it; they're usually very careful around it if they park next to me. The car is SUPER SMOOTH for a sports car. It has a magnetic suspension system and it drives better than my sedan, even on railroad tracks and bumps. You don't have to plan your route.
So basically everything that glitters is not gold with having a supercar….five minutes walking when your parked….hell no.
Is the v10 useable daily?
Great Review 😉
If you worry that much you should not own that car….
My R8 is my daily driver and so far it's working out great! It does have its quirks but I am learning not to worry so much. The R-Tronic system isn't great, shifts are not smooth in automatic although putting it in Sport mode helps. Also the car is very low so do not expect a smooth ride. The car's handling is amazing and it handles curves with ease! Overall it's a great car!
tell me what is your favoret super car reply and tell me
Good old times, in my opinion it's way better than the actual vlogs. This is more input. Add up some cinematography and than you're back on track in the YouTube game.
paul how the fuck do u go from astra to r8
Hell no, especially in the city…..I have the 2012 R8 and I have lots of trouble having to take alternate routes , because of dips and bumbs…etc. and you can't even enjoy sport mode since when you try to drive in its just messing up the car…
I still waiting to see the comments from all the haters, it's always fun to read them.
I can daily drive pretty much anything. If I could buy a supercar, you better be damn sure I would drive the thing as much as I could.
I'd bet my money on soomeone parking next to him at Tesco, just to be a dick!
an audi R8 at age 23 !
curious to know what you do for a living
People who own those cars and drive them everyday most importantly OWN the car. People whose assholes tighten up when lorrys drive by their car cant afford to litigate or fix the damage. Thanks to this video I will stay away from these cars because I to cannot afford to have a $100k car sitting in the garage not being driven.
Yes I can drive it everyday , I have got a UK driving licence + I'll buy it for 900million , I am 25 years old I've bean driving for 3years now