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Magic the Gathering Online Videos about Magic the Gathering Cards. MTGLION Goes Over Magic the Gathering Rules; talk about magic the gathering deck builder; goes over new and old magic the gathering sets; and offers a magic the gathering wiki of sorts. MTGLION discusses Magic the Gathering card prices and Magic the Gathering Spoilers.
Also MTGLION discuss magic the gathering tournaments and magic the gathering how to play. MTGLION does magic the gathering unboxings and magic the gathering gameplays. MTGLION is a MTG YouTube channel where you can learn more about magic the gathering lore and the upcoming magic the gathering movie. MTGLION even sometimes does fan made magic the gathering trailers.
Remember to tap the Like button and leave a Comment. Welcome to my channel, MTG Lion is a Gatherer channel that discusses magic mtg, mtg daily, mtg deck builder, mtg edh, mtg salvation, mtg standard, mtg commander, and gatherer mtg. I talk about the best magic cards to speculate on for mtg finance and what magic the gathering cards to buy. Oath of the Gatewatch spoilers, Oath of the Gatewatch speculation, Shadows Over Innistrad, Shadows Over Innistrad Spoilers, Shadows Over Innistrad Preview, eldritch moon, eldritch moon Spoilers, eldritch moon Preview, Conspiracy 2, Conspiracy 2 Spoilers, Conspiracy 2 Preview, Kaladesh, Kaladesh Spoilers, Kaladesh Preview, Amonkhet, Amonkhet Spoilers, Amonkhet Preview, Aether Revolt, Aether Revolt Spoilers, Hour of Devastation, Hour of Devastation Spoilers, Hour of Devastation Preview, Iconic Masters, Iconic Masters Spoiler, Unstable, Unstable Spoilers, 25th Anniversary, 25th Anniversary Spoilers, Ixalan, Ixalan Spoilers.
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10 комментариев
She going to be reprinted…not on reserve list.
I agree with Mr. Scott… these promos could hold their value, go up, or go way down like judge promos. You know they will be reprinted at some point. I will flip some cards within a month, otherwise, I only speculate on reserve list cards. Too easy to lose money on anything that WotC/Hasbro can and will reprint. Plus, actual iconic art that was hand painted is way better looking than the new CGI art, IMO of course.
I say get the SDCC promo is the way to go, why, they don't reprint promos.
What are the chances this gets reprinted in Masters 25, or a follow-on Masters set in 2018?
shadow over innistrad was between battle for zendikar and Kaladesh not amonkhet 😉
@Mtglion plz talk to me
Im getting in on this!!
I agree that this card is good for speculation. However, your IF is not getting reprinted is unlikely. The strategy team from WOTC now thinks the se way we do and they will try every way to reap their card equity as soon as they can. I hold some copies of these cards BTW.
its an unregulated market…aka a scam….you should start lower…the more you buy the better price you should get.