Before you troll and comment your «expert» advice, please read through all the comments and my replies to get the whole story. I didn’t just grab the front brake. I applied BOTH front and rear brakes in an attempt to do an emergency straight stop. I admit my main mistake was swerving my body to the left out of reflex to avoid the deer. That threw off the weight and then the front wheel gave out.
For those who say that I should have stayed straight, it would not have been any better. Although, I didn’t stop completely, the brakes did slow me just enough to miss hitting the deer. At only 35-40 mph, it would not have been enough to just go «straight through» the deer. I would have hit it mid section and gone down anyway or even worse possibly flip over the bike from impact and could have hurt my back.
Finally put this vid together. Damn baby deer ran out in front of my buell.. Bike was totaled and I walked away with a broken ankle and road rash to arms and legs. Bike suffered frame damage and entire left side. Got a new buell one week later 🙂
Ride Safe out there! Always wear full and proper gear! I know I’ll be wearing a full jacket from now on!
Live to Ride! Ride to Live!
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49 комментариев
Haha nice road rash should have had more leather on.
Not to criticize,but you did use too much front brake. I own a 2007 XB9R and have been riding 45 years. That front brake is something to behold isn't it! Just curios, I didn't troll the comments, and maybe you stated this, but how many years have you been riding on the street? More years=more experience=better technique Glad you came out of it relatively unscathed.
Guy … Just glad your ok man , holy crap .. ride safe ..
can i have your headlight assembly?
Every rider should take First Aid classes for accidents like this one, it's obvious his buddy didn't know what to do just like mine did when I went down.
First of all Mr. Know it all Chief wanna be. Why would you get a flu shot and go to sick call for a motorcycle accident?? Hmmm?? Are you sure you were a Chief? In what ? A TP in your house? As for you being one of those Internet know it alls. Think you have every stupid answer or comment on a video that you know nothing about because you weren't there. Everything was done the right way at the right time. So STFU about first aid skills, sorry you ended up with a messed up friend that didn't know what the he'll he was doing. Lol! Both of us were experienced enough on what to do and how to do it.
Buell for life… Love it. Best american bikes made and still my favorite bike all around.
A car jumping in front is a lot different than a friggn deer running straight at you. This had crash written all over it. He reacted by instinct. If he had held his line with no braking, he would've hit that deer and gone over his bike. It would've been worse like he mentioned. I don't think anybody could've avoided a crash. Hit or miss, the bike and driver were meant to go down. Nice cherry bomb though! That was one of my choice bikes a few years back. Ended up getting a GSXR 600. Can't wait for the new EBR's!
Oh, my dear friend..where is the jacket? ccccc
Jackets are very good, i fell yesterday on my left side, no scratch or anything , but my hand hurts from my elbow all the way to my wrist like hell , but the jacket protected me well
and this lades and gentlemen is why smart people wear helmets because if he was not wearing one his friends video would show him dying
never laugh at a fallen biker folks,, last person that laughed at me all day for not being able to stop going through a busy intersection, i was lucky that moment no cars were near, he almost lost his foot in a bike accident that very same eavening,, karma is a mother f*** j/s
Hey Jay, what knee/shin guards did you end up going with? what gear you running now?
As always, a complete armor protection arms legs and body armor can at least minimize injury. In Cebu Philippines in 06, I can't find one so I build one myself using plastic pads used on scuba diving, sew them together with rubber inerts and I color it in camou colors. I crashed two years later and the armors I made did the job I designed for them. No damage to me but only on my bikes handle bars.
Ouch, I'm ATGATT now. Got 2 of everything minus boots. road rash just seems so…F@#$ing! OUCH! (death too lol )
Damn one less Buell XB in the world. Wish I had one, though I'm happy with my Striple. but oh yes, one day I will have an XB9-12
All skin has to be covered when you are on a motorcycle.
0:41 moved bars & braked hard that's a no no. I've done the same (got a fright), luckily laying my bike down prevented me from going under a truck, Good on you got new Buell & relatively unhurt.
I'm glad it wasn't more severe. I see plenty of deer and elk and have nightmares of just this scenario. The Mule deer here run about 300lbs and the elk are bigger. I have a LOUD pipe that scares some but not all.
What was the tire on the front of the bike? It doesn't seem like it had the grab of most tires I've used. Only front I've ever lit up was a dunlop 404 on a vintage bike I owned. I will never buy that tire again. I have the 8 piston ztl2 on one of my bikes and I can't even lock up the front with that. Was the road surface loose?
Just a thought, but I've come this close to a few jack rabbits and hitting the throttle at the last second when you know you're hitting him lifts the front of the bike and makes the impact more controllable. I would think that with a deer, you'll hit higher and hopefully he doesn't come over the top? Anyone have experience with this?
BTW, you're reaction is completely understandable given how quickly everything unfolded. I can't say my reaction would be any different given the same situation.
Hope for the best but plan for the worst. Ride safe.
I have had a few close calls in traffic where I have to apply hard brake. I don't know….. seems to me that you grabbed brake and just hopped off the side. Can't tell without being in the situation myself though. Glad to see you were ok.
back in the day I used to wear shorts, t-shirt, and always a helmet, but after the doctors scrubbed the asphalt out of your back and legs with a brush you learn real quick to always wear gear…..even if it's hot out.
damm bro
bello video! grazie
Thank you for posting all this footage. Really makes me think jeans and tennis shoes are less than what is needed when I ride. How are you doing now? Full recovery?
whats up man, I think we are friends on InstaG…sad to hear about your bike but damn I love the upgrade lol
Hi, do you cover the front brake when you ride or do you have no contact with the front brake lever until you require the front brake ???
Dont listen to all the "what you should have done" nonsense…..Ive been here. Had a bird fly out of a hedge….hit me on the helmet as I was banking on a right hander….boom …I almost went, far to quick for me to even think.. almost messed my sv1000 up, Only just cleared the bend.
Hey fella….I prefer the red Buell to be honest. As they say, every cloud has a silver lining !!!
Ouch.. ouch ouch. Damn man. I know what that musta felt like. I went through a similar incident off a scooter believe it or not.. but it was a pothole spanning the road width instead of a deer. People just don't realize that when you're in those situations you just don't have enough time to really THINK. So glad you came out of that without anything worse injuries wise, and congrats on getting another bike and riding on!
Cherry bomb is SWEEEEEEET
Where your gear !
Ok, sorry you crashed, but you shouldnt have crashed there.
Dude that road rash makes me cringe, never skimp on your gear, I cover my ass in leather even if its hot outside.
Daumen hoch. Einfachmal Vorderradbremse durchreißen.
podia ter passado por tras do animal..
thanks for posting up,
ATGATT brother
love your bike dude, but i was so surprised you ride with short sleeve shirt !! waaa you like risky life !!
man that sucks, what sucks more is you missed it and still crashed. damn deer!
Hope you learned your lesson and you'll wear jacket next time!!!
almost bad
That's why I don't dare wear short sleeves while riding bikes
Dude, there was nothing you could do, glad you are okay.
damn animal. aniway thx for uploading bro..
The view from your buddy's bike is on a Kawasaki EN500 Vulcan. Great bikes. About as fast as an 883 Sportster! BTW, Great showing as to why you WEAR protective gear. Leather jacket with padding = No arm road rash. Leather pants = no road rash on legs. Good leather boots that strap on and are at least 10 inches = no ankle problems. Didn't expect to hit a deer? Nobody goes out "knowing" they are going to get in an accident. Watch videos of people in England riding. One thing the English do right is dress for riding, but they drive on the wrong side of the road.
next time swerve the opposite way from the deer
I've watched this a few times and keep forgetting to ask you… what kind of moto rack is that in the back of your truck? where do i get one? how much?
I noticed that the front brakes pulled to the left. I drive a buell lightning xb9s so I'll keep that in mind. you took that like a boss glad your ok. buell for life!!
damn jay, glad youre alright
damn rite I got 02 blast its ok for now cant wait to upgrade
la prochaine fois tu mettra un blouson tocard ah ah 😀