The real King of Body Repair. You know the heart of this science, The gap. By replace with donor part, if the gap are all corrected this seem to all structure distance are corrected too. Superb mechanic I ever seen.
I watch all your videos and I have often wondered what you do about the deployed airbag systems? Do you replace the deployed airbags and reset the crash module or do you just disconnect them and leave them out? Great videos on how to do great body work, but I've just been curious about the airbags..
28 комментариев
есть ауди которую надо как-то починить 🙂
The real King of Body Repair. You know the heart of this science, The gap. By replace with donor part, if the gap are all corrected this seem to all structure distance are corrected too. Superb mechanic I ever seen.
Thank you Artur!!!! God bless you!
заметили он совсем без шпаклевки работает
wow you are super extremely good
Ну прям художник! Отличная работа! Точнее — это целое искусство!
where is shop
Awesome Arthur
интересно где этот волшебник живет!?
This guy ROCKS……………..artist of the metal ArthurTussik, Russia number one !
Amazing work!
Amazing! That's what you call a real mechanic
filicitation good job
слепили и напродажу …… какое-то лошье будет ездить боком по трассе и радоваться…
il est vraiment très fort…
это монтажная пена на стойке?
There are some people copy your video to there channel!.
Please check.
good job.
bought for 10 will be sell for 25.
Здоровья много таким мастерам, что бы жили долго и радовали людей!!!
красота ))))
Hello Arthur. Congratulations.Your job is amazing. I will recomended to people wich like it.JOSÉ Márcio. Brazil
Artur, uże tiebia Boh darawał zołotyje ruki. Żyj zdarow!
таких как вы побольше бы тог да можно быть уверенным за качество работы такой
I watch all your videos and I have often wondered what you do about the deployed airbag systems? Do you replace the deployed airbags and reset the crash module or do you just disconnect them and leave them out? Great videos on how to do great body work, but I've just been curious about the airbags..
Уважаемый Артурчик покрску вы делаеете