Видео сделано: https://www.facebook.com/evlskillz
Владелец: https://www.facebook.com/kyd92
Музыка: Jakwob — Fade (Sane Beats Remix)
Видео сделано: https://www.facebook.com/evlskillz
Владелец: https://www.facebook.com/kyd92
Музыка: Jakwob — Fade (Sane Beats Remix)
32 комментария
Nice MAn.
Go Romania
good work !
geiles teil man
Fiecare video in parte este extraordinar . dar muzica nu stiu de unde o alegi ca e infernala cred ca ma uit la majoriatate videourilor zi de zi numai pt muzica am ars deja un subwoofer
Bmw-ul perfect ! Cadrele in timpul noptii arata genial 🙂
народ как трэк называется?
Geiler 7er!
Car brand?
Cel mai frumos bmw seria 7
Așadar, in ,sa spunem , ultimii 10 ani nu am văzut un video pe youtube care sa se ridice la nivelul celui mai slab video de-al tau.
Felicitări !!!!
…si apropo, m-am abonat 🙂
genial , respect .
too deep—absolutly….
Is secure the air suspension?
I'm sorry I don't speak english.
Incredible how much I actually love BMW's… I really love them <3
Maxima !!!!!
dat ass
ya to ee vida figeu +Mubariz Alizade
I'm the only person that don't like this car? O.o Tooo low
i got 22s on my f10 550i
vay mk..Ünal turan gör bunları:D
Your all video awesome
Is this Romania?
fa si tu un song list :))
Is this your ride or it's a friend's?
The Car looks awesome. I liked the song and how you edit this video. Good job
Those are 20's or 21's ?
Dat ass!!! 😀
love it!!!! What's the name of the song?
Great car <3 !!!
Unde a fost filmat?