This is the moment a speeding BMW hit the back of another vehicle and was catapulted into the air before crashing into traffic in the opposite lane.
The incident was caught on a dashboard camera and happened in the central Belorussian capital city of Minsk. It was filmed on a camera fitted in an Audi A8 in the opposite lane to the BMW, which the out-of-control car ploughed into.
It shows two black cars passing by the Audi when suddenly a speeding BMW emerges onto the scene and despite desperately trying to break it crashes into the back of a Chevrolet Captiva and flies into the air.
The BMW then smashes into the bonnet of the Audi A8.
Despite the accident looking rather dramatic, according to reports no one was seriously injured, with the BMW driver being the most seriously hurt, with mild bruising but he refused to be taken to hospital.
Police are investigating but have declined to comment, and are reportedly studying the footage before pressing charges over the incident.
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