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31 комментарий
Biggest pricks on the road total wannabes
Russian are still the best!
You can stop with the all caps on the titles now…
I can see it just fine.
naice video 2 .10
I like the way they come apart when hit… Goes to show how junky they are….lol….
1:48 It's got 1 horsepower!
my bmw only has 130 horses…I drive carefully (but maybe a bit sporty), even always use my turn signals 🙂
Dude not all of us beemer drivers are tossers, on ma third great cars great driving cars, that said I have seen ma share of wankers driving them !
2:24 im putting part of the blame on the cammer. They should have seen the bmw in the intersection and waited for it to clear before going.
5:12 that cop has serious issues.
3:08 and 7:45. Your first reaction is to jump out of your car and come at me im running your ass over and claiming self defense.
9:31 was the guy going 100 down that road. Damn.
1:58 he says "BMW guys! They say you are cool if you have BMW, around here"
can you turn of the Notifications in the Video please? … i looked over half an hour, where i got messages before i come to the idea, that it is in the video ~_~
The first step is admitting you drive a BMW.
Is a huge difference between douchebag and incompetent drivers…
9:30 Crazy ass motherfucker
You know the difference between a bmw and a rose?
The rose has pricks on the outside
BMW made cars with good traction, acceleration and power. It enables the driver to pretty much do something other car's drivers cannot. And the safety of BMW is on par with the power of the engine, it allows the user to crashed onto another car with minimum damage. Thus, explained jealousy of the admin in this chanel
BMW = Big Moronic Wanker (the driver, not the car).
Drug dealers and dickheads drive BMW's nowadays.
Lol eurotrash cars are trash.
That horse cart looks better than that beater Bimmer.
5:16 is there a story before that video?
3:30 afraid of an old wanker? LOL 😀
Douchebags drive all makes and models! 🙂
Here in the U.S about 80% of BMW owners are total douche bags.
Germans are good at everything…except building cars and winning world wars
That first 'idiot' got his absolute just desserts — instant karma. It's ALWAYS BMW drivers who are total dicks. Every time…….
Dicks so smol!
Poor BMW X1 Driver