BMW M2 ClubSport Vs Audi TTRS & Full Conceal Glock 19 Folding Pistol. We shoot the Full Conceal M3 glock 19 folding pistol. The Full Conceal M3 Folding Glock 19 is a compact handgun with a footprint of a cell phone. 22 rounds of 9mm are ready to fire immediately once your pistol is drawn. The M3 is designed with a folded trigger safety that prevents the trigger bar from moving and engaging the trigger sear. This keeps the weapon from firing while concealed.
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24 комментария
Cool concept! but idk if I would want to add an extra action to my routine, in a moment of need…
So both of you guys are driving your wives cars today? ☺
If I wanted a brick I would have gone to Home Depot for one. I'll stick with a AR9 if I want a bulge in my pocket
It's cool just not for the price point. I've got plenty of 33 round mags. I'd rather draw a 26 or 19 and engage quickly and get rounds on badguy then reload with the 33 rounder out of my left pocket if needed. My Glock is only there to get me to my vehicle anyway, to my rifle if I'm in need of that many rounds. But it's cool and some people will buy it just on cool factor alone. If I had disposable money like Hank I'd buy one. Lol Luv ya Hank wish my mohawk stuck up as high as yours.
laughs in corvette…
16;02 hank wick stylin on you
Maybe its just me, and I know you don't want to reupload the video, but the audio should probably be changed to mono, the stereo sounds good when it is loud enough to hear. And honestly for the type of video it is killing me to watch this with headphones on. I love your videos and maybe im wrong on what it is. But I just know its not like your other ones. Anyways thanks for the great content and keep it going.
Cool idea but absolutely useless. Who wants to carry around a Transformer Glock we can call this one Hank the deceptive Glock and make the noises like transformation as you unfold it and get it ready to be in a gunfight. This is what happens when gun manufacturers have nothing better to do they make stupid crap like this. This is for guys that have more money than sense LOL.
Could be handy for compact storage locations…
Praying in a Handicap parking spot?????
Like the cars, still not sure about that glock tho… (you better practice with it 10 to 100 times a day to make sure you can get it right if the time comes )
Cool concept and new idea for a glock… Its difficult to improve on perfection…lol… Great video brother as always!
Totally carry one if I could afford it. Hilarious tho how many armchair tacti-gurus are saying it's useless because it's too slow to deploy or too many steps. Just watching these two deploy it, the economy of motion seems to be better than drawing from a shoulder rig under a button down shirt. So I guess all the naysayers must think shoulder rigs are useless too.
Does it come in Bumbee's color scheme?
thats how u make a reliable gun unrelieable and fucking stupid
Yuppie cars!
Nah bruh.
You should teach the guy holding the camera to focus it as well as hold it. Heh.
Gotta say it…..that’s a whole lot of grabbing and moving for a gun with a fan base that is of the belief that “under stress” you won’t even be able to work a SLIDE RELEASE.
So many pros on here hating on it not hard to practice. Have you seen any vids from shot show them talking and showing it.
They're coming out with a g43 version later this year
I used to have a bmw m3 and it was a piece of junk. My clutch went out very quickly and had an exhaust problem. It was really nice but not worth the money. I have a 2014 Nissan Maxima with paddle shifters and I have KN intake and it has ocer 300 HP and yet I still get over 19 in town and close to 30 on the highway.
I couldn't stop looking at the Omega Ploprof watch