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19 комментариев
1:14 direct from Romania! :)))
Watch scouse kids smoke chase from Southport to liverpool
Always used 2 watch dmo's videos but lately hes too hype about himself man ricky is calm man n does some good vids like how dmo drives fans cars man theres doin a review vid on them and then theres just pure raggin the tits off it if you dont mind him doin then fair enuff but if I built a car and had someone review it on their chan I'd expect em to atleast drive it with a lil bit of respect lol still support both ricky and dmo tho both good guys
Yo Ricky! Check out this compilation the same Porsche 981 getting away from state troopers in the United States! https://youtu.be/3MHKVDiYjBU
2:02 that’s a 335i with a 2jz swap
BMW forever!!
1:12 the accident happend in Romania and the driver was drunk.
The 2 white beamers, drifting Gang looked sickkk bruv
D Double!
Fatal crash @2.30 RIP
Check some videos from simply driving YouTube chabel
glad i stumbled into these vids, i've just finally made the jump to BMW with an e60… I shall never be looking back, these BMW's are in a league of their own
The intro clip was in Bucharest , not long ago … 3.0d
Makes my fender benders seem like nothing damn
check out this wide body M4 in Jamaica https://youtu.be/aOgeDH1BpYE
That 335i is @threedirty5 the one who slammed on his brakes fastest 335i in the plant
Wanna see Karen reactions or bad police pullovers
Bad taste to react to a fatal accident for YouTube content — draw the line
I love your videos