Bruce LiCausi Jr shows you some hidden features on his 2014 BMW 428i XDrive Convertible. These features are features that the BMW company does not want you to know about, because they will charge you money to do this routine simple procedures. Leave a like if you like my video. Comment or text me with any questions.
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21 комментарий
Thank you for your very useful information. Great job indeed!!
Nothing new everybody’s known about this for years now u really wanna know a secret hold down your dsc button or traction button for 3seconds untill you see a yellow triangle on your dash then your car becomes full unlocked drive at you own risk
Hello ,when i walk in a used car sales ,when i check it with this hidden menu,they show some error codes but it show 0 ( active)? WHAT ITS MENAS ?TQ
yo can i display the digital display with the unlock feature? i have a 420i 2014
Who is they?
Manyuawy weset the check engine wight
what does that exclamation mark on bottom right of the revolution counter mean?
Why BMW wouldn't want someone to know about these? After all their made for peoples usage so I don't see the point.
what are those 3 lines when u went into accessory mode? i cant seem to turn it on in my 340
2016 340i……can I read diagnostic codes without scan tool using accessory mode and by using trip odometer? If so please explain…..
You skipped a step in order to get the system test to start. What was that step. Time stamp 3:40
For 4:29 I already can do that feature in my bmw x5 2007-2013
Wont do system test on my f30
Very useful & informative as usual, many thanks
How do you get the road icon light turned on? On the top center of the dash
Press and hold idrive button for 30 sec then 5 click left 5 clicks right 1 click left 1 click right press down you will enter a new secret menu
How do you activate the screen on the left side below the velocimeter ?
@Bruce Thanks Buruce! Very useful! And I see your BMW Model have a ACC or?
You had me intrigued at first, but then…….what a tool
Hi You said you need the 5 last digits of your vin number but you just put two digits .please explain