is that a golf 5 gti , and how much power is it making , if its the BWA motor in the golf they were dynoed at 180kw standard , then the 125i power must be very under rated Ответить
Fake video the golf is driving at about 4000 rpm and is staying there watch the rpm. If you want to fool people make sure there is no evidence Ответить
5 комментариев
is that a golf 5 gti , and how much power is it making , if its the BWA motor in the golf they were dynoed at 180kw standard , then the 125i power must be very under rated
golf 5 or 6 gti?
Fake video the golf is driving at about 4000 rpm and is staying there watch the rpm. If you want to fool people make sure there is no evidence
Vertical Video Syndrome — A PSA
this is a bmw 135i, notice the rear defuser