This a 2006 E90 320si with N45 engine and 160000Klm.
This car has cracked on first and second cylinder.
There is a big risk to repair this engine so the owner decided to convert it to 325 with N52 engine,
You can listen the engine sound.
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6 комментариев
hello , why you don't bored cylinder change piston ring & gasket????
email me on [email protected]
I think in this engine, owner must change coolant water every year, That might be the problem…
now this is not the vehicle's engine n52 325 ?
I have my 320si Tool, the engine does Misfire
Ti problime eixe telika to motori??
How cost swap to 325i? And what I need to change?
Τι απέγινε τελικά το 320? Εμένα τώρα μου έβγαλε το ίδιο κλασικό πρόβλημα και αναρωτιέμαι, να το πάω για αλλαγή του αλουμινίου με ατσάλι ή να πάω σε άλλη μηχανή….