The awkward moment, when the navigator showed you a short route and did not say that in the end there will be a ford! But it ended well. I love my e46
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The awkward moment, when the navigator showed you a short route and did not say that in the end there will be a ford! But it ended well. I love my e46
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9 комментариев
Wow Very Nice to Getting Cross The Water Road Pretty Good:-)!
Nice video man sick car
BAD IDEA! My next door neighbor had a 5 series BMW that got caught in flood water of a similar depth…… was TOTALED!
Hit that shit so hard his tag went crooked
Oh please I did that in a Saturn Ion 4 door and I actually drove over fish so please this isn't anything.
I'm just looking for a reason to swap the engine
i drove my buick park avenue in water that came till the windshield no worries lol
The electrical problems will start in a few weeks.
Beast Mode 😉 I have a 2005 E46 coupe WOOO