The blue e30 is my car, it’s a 4.6is V8 from BMW X5…
I own the car from 2007, till now i have changed over 5 engines, this being the 5th, hopefully the last one 🙂
This is my first day out with the car, testing it on it’s full potential.
The engine is a little bit modified, it makes 378hp and 470nm.
Hope you guys enjoy the clip, at the end of the day my gearbox broke down.. 🙁
RO: De fapt s-a rupt timoneria la cutie si atat, s-a reparat de atunci 🙂
Multumesc celor care mi-au fost alaturi, m-ati ajutat mult 🙂
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15 комментариев
Gata ? Te — ai dat cu ursu !!!
La mai multe videouri asa 🙂
unde e circuitul asta ?
niciodata nu se intra sub masina fara sa fie asigurata omule …mecanicii aia de langa tine inseamna ca sunt sub zero daca permit asa ceva
Cine stie sa se ocupe de timonerii ? 🙁 Da-mi un nume ceva..
asa arata un om fericit 😉 , a meritat asteptarea , gg 😀
Nice car! How much did you pay?
De ce o tot împingeţi când intră pe circuit?
Cat ai prins cel mai mult ?
Vreau o tură, te rog!:)))
4.4 litra from x5 :* dont 4.6
its a junk car. try e46 V8 Hartge. every day you will get owned haha! just throw the e30 in the scrapyard together with the e36.
sounds like a chain smoking fire breathing dragon
wonderful wonderful film. beautiful little beemer. so amazing watching you keeping up with the lambo
beautiful color , atrocious rims