Who ever that said life is about what you buy not build is nuts lol
The Owner of this CRAZY CAR: https://www.instagram.com/335imods/
Cinematic Editor,
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nahmii_/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPgptymh3qFvRlKc6Rq0fww
Euro Elite Decals: http://elnadi.bigcartel.com/products
Cannon t6i: http://amzn.to/2zYxRAP
DSLR Stabilizer: http://amzn.to/2zUVudr
GoPro: http://amzn.to/2iId9Rx
GorillaPod: http://amzn.to/2gKdheN
50mm lense: http://amzn.to/2iFoNMJ
18-55mm lense: http://amzn.to/2gJtT6k
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●Outro Song name: G4SHI — Armor4Sync
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29 комментариев
I'm first! gimme an M3
Car was waaaay better before the wide body
nour..dude..please get an e92 335i.
Very inspiring! Keep up the good work!
Hey I'm in NYC how much would you sell it for give me a flat price
RRSPECT FOR YOU and for your frend RESPECT
How much for ur car?
Far play to the guy he worked hard and even though people may not like it you
got to remember each to their own.
That car is sick. Totally respect him for all his hard work and determination. Way cool. Shows if you put your mind to something nothing can stop ya. Great video.
Get an E90 M3
men please do a shorter generic
That was a dope build ! That’s amazing
That wide body makes that car look so cheap. Please no wide body Nour. 550hp sounds nice tho! There is another YouTuber that just dyno'd his 135i at 700hp. And it don't have that nasty body kit. Im sure you have heard of Jake Spence 😉
smh… not 1, but 4 fart cannons
The wide body isn’t my style personally. I do respect the amount of time and effort that’s gone into that machine though.
I wanna know more about the brake upgrade and mad respect to the car I am just not into the wide body but its just me.
Ramadan Mubarak to you to bro and get that n54
Home Depot wide body kind of ruined it tho
Please find a 335i that’s manual transmission they exist
better get a n54 bro
TBH: I prefer my car to be as OEM as much as possible. However, each their own and a fantastic job nonetheless.
What a clown lol with a m3 badges on the trunk for a non m3
I mean it’s kinda illegal to work on the street but if you can get away with it then I guess you do
So dope wish i had enough man power to do this shit
mad respect for this dood to do this himself. especially the interior with the stitching
N55 more reliable. Trust me. Easy mods for power as well.
WOW They really messed that car up!!! Looks like something a 7 year old would do.
Please, Enough with the vinyl wrapping!!!!!!!!
Amazing transformation wow. Amazing.