What worries me the most is that these cars are so perfectly done, that you will not notice you've bought one like this. This is mastercraft, but still — i don't think the metal is as strong and reliable as it was factory machined.
The son of a bitches like your county people comes to Europ and stell the brends car from innocent people. And than you make reparatur videos. What do you think stupid country people? You eurn money and buy the parts? Of curse No! You still them. You all from this area are thief!!! This is the truth.. even your womens know just bitches, and they don't understand any other job!
38 комментариев
The best of German technology and the best of Russian repair.
I don't know your language but these are the best body repair videos.
amazing work as always you are a very talented individual
Nice job
Air bag?
Вот такие тачки с Литвы потом и едут не бита не крашена !
Good job,well done.
Здравствуйте Артур, а как с вами можно связаться?
Good Job.
Hi do u know I can contact with this guy, I really want Tolk to him about my car.. in crash m3 e46
Which country does he work in?
после такого ремонта я бы и битую взял))) Мужик красава!!!! Все бы так относились к своему делу!!!
So impressive
Молодец. Опыт наверное нелегко давался. Лайк.
when you buy the car parts bmw ?
Рембрандт в кузовных работах!!!:)
You are a masterpiece
do Rosji czesci z Polski z aut ukradzionych w Niemczech:))
Bravo pro
Very good a job the body shop repair
Please help me I m intersted Europe I m all raundar welder end ges welder end car dentar pentar may wahtsaap 8140515030 India gujrat
Prea bun
Arthur is the best fixing all this car,pretty amazing,he could become very whealty here in the u.s!
What worries me the most is that these cars are so perfectly done, that you will not notice you've bought one like this. This is mastercraft, but still — i don't think the metal is as strong and reliable as it was factory machined.
I would like to see a crash test and compare this with undamaged bmw
Is Arthurs Garage in Russia or Ukraine?
Don't give a shit about the car, im here to see this guy's work of art. Have to call it that because his work is amazing.
Артур ставь клеймо свое ибо после тебя можно брать не задумываясь!
and air bag?
The son of a bitches like your county people comes to Europ and stell the brends car from innocent people. And than you make reparatur videos. What do you think stupid country people? You eurn money and buy the parts? Of curse No! You still them. You all from this area are thief!!! This is the truth.. even your womens know just bitches, and they don't understand any other job!
Wow that cool really love the work wish I can get my vehicle repair their I enjoy watching the videos I'm all the way from VirginiaBeach Virginia
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