In USA bodyshops never fix the frame or body parts, they just cut it off and ask you to bring donor part to weld them together that's all! I wish this guy would have shop here in usa!
Watching your videos i feel like crashing my car to a wall just for fun so u can fixed lol u work like a pro man thanks for replying i wish you the best.
39 комментариев
С наступающим Новым Годом!!!
Передняя дверь пассажирская тоже красили??
su artjanciais
palindus po fura buvo matomai
saunuolis gerai pasidarbavot as ir taip noreciau moket:)
вот сразу видно что у человека руки с нужного места растут , с новым годом вас здоровья и все будет хорошо
thats a nice bmw , what kind of headlights are those ???? i will like to get those lights for my car
Happy new year Arthur. a real old school job, plain & simple , magic!
С Новым Годом ! И всем наичшим! Из Латвии!
Happy New Years From TEXAS have a safe and Good Next Year
Happy new year Arthur!
how big of building do you work in?
these videos are addictive! keep it up its great to see
С Новым Годом. Всех благ.
In USA bodyshops never fix the frame or body parts, they just cut it off and ask you to bring donor part to weld them together that's all! I wish this guy would have shop here in usa!
С Новым 2017 годом!
good repair Arthur
Good job..
hi Arthur can i bring you my car for a estimation i can send you the pictures
Bravo monsieur pour vos vidéos elles sont très intéressantes et montre votre savoir faire .
Fine job!
так а зазор над ноздрями разве не должен быть равен зазору капота по отношению к крыльям?
good work sir Arthur. Bonjour de France This is what your channel reminds me of every time I see it. You do great work.
Nice repair Arthur.
How you mount body on other side when you pull damage again wall like that? Do you have some mounting points somewhere, on wall or floor?
I was wondering what type of hammers are you using in that video I wish to know that type of hammer
Hi Arthur, what do you do with the VIN of a BMW if you have to replace the right front leg? Awesome work btw.!
good work arthur i love u brother
блин, вы отличный мастер! жду еще видео.
Hey, how much will this repair cost or similar one?
Arthur, what is the music/song called starting near time: 2:00 ?
great work you are one of the best i've seen!!
Все ваши видео посмотрел, у вас золотые руки!
good job man . where is your shop located ?
Watching your videos i feel like crashing my car to a wall just for fun so u can fixed lol u work like a pro man thanks for replying i wish you the best.
как всегда все хорошо мызыка монтаж видео безупречно. спасибо
super Artur nawet polsze tak nie naprawią
подскажите пожалуйста какой стапель лучше купить б,у,и стоит ли брать б,у или новый ,