Had a sick time hanging out with the lads, gonna do this more often 🙂
Lockwood: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeMt42qV9-DY9KOQwtQ648g
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22 комментария
Can't believe I missed this! I live 10 mins away
Car sounding cool mate, looked a good turn out.
What’s the post code for this place ? And what time is the meet ?
Nice man I keep meaning to go Barton, didn't realise you were local
I live about an hour and half away from Barton it’s alright, been to a few of the car meets with a few mates there, do you live far from Barton? Also Corsa’s coming along way now mate good work!
Class vid mate
Cool vid bro
The spoiler on that R33 is horrendous
Go to more car meets mate there class!!
When you coming back to long eaton for a meet?
Good video
Nice vid bro keep at it
The one week I don’t go to Barton and you go hsha no way.
Lockwood fanboi right there… lol
Is that your corsa 1.4T or 1.4
The 2 hour drive was worth it! Nice catching up with you mate need to do it more often!
Brutally honest review of your corsa by lee?
Where do you live then mate to be going to Barton meets?
You need a gimbal for your camera mate
Could you do some diy servicing?
Noticed you got rid of your fake vents?? How come?
This may be the last decent look around Stella as it was before he sold it.