Welcome to my new series Calisthenics Life! This series will be my main training vlog where I will document my calisthenics progress and share it with you all to motivate, inspire and teach everybody who watches. I hope y’all enjoy.
Follow me on Instagram for Q&As: http://instagram.com/simontlendore
Snapchat: SimonTLendore
Here are the got damn answers to all of the same got damn questions you mofos keep asking a ninja! a.k.a the FAQs 🙂
Where are you from?
Born and raised in Toronto, Ontario, Canada a.k.a We The North a.k.a Canadia
What is your background?
My mom is Jamaican. My dad is Trinidadian.
How old are you?
Born: May 22, 1995
Current Age: 22
How tall are you?
5’8″ or 173cm
How much do you weigh?
I’m around 160lbs right now or 72.7kg
When did you start YouTube?
Y’all can just check the ‘About’ tab on my channel, but I started this channel June 7, 2014.
You have a SON? OMFG!!!! How old is he?!
YES MY NINJA! I HAVE A SON! Lol Born Sept 5, 2015! Here is the birth vlog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjyCVX1U9z0
Are you single?
What is your job besides YouTube?
I work at the airport but I’m only doing it until I can figure out a way to make coaching and YouTube my primary source of income.
Are you going vegan?
Never. Plant-based? I’ll try my best SOON ENOUGH WHEN I’M READY, but I know I will eat meat once in a while.
What is your intro song?
It’s not a real song. It’s a beat my brother gave me and the beat shall never be released to the public… ever… unless someone pays me $1000… I know that no one will lol so yeah, never to be released.
If you guys think of anymore questions I should put here, let a brotha know! Peace!
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36 комментариев
Aha yes my brother, back again , looking clean and fresh.
Good video. I imagine this is how people in the biblical days use to work out.
this video has that og throwback feel. I'm feeling it
looking good man, nice hair, nice gains, keep up the series!
I've missed that music…
Back at it again! Inspired me to go to the park and be comfortable training.
my favorite fitness vlog is back
sick! you're back!
"I ain't gettin' no girls" lol
Glad you're back man, I'm exited for this series. And also you lookin swole man, pretty sure u getting all girls.
Have you considered trying gymnastics rings?
6% bodyfat club — keep it up
Back to the basics bro!
I miss the OG intro my ninja. I still can't believe you're back
nice to see you back, now i can finally unsub from these other calisthenic channels lol. SOS is the only one that matters.
Your friend seems super cool!
my boys back cailou intro music and all lol
Okay so it's official. Homie is back. 3 years though….geez. That reminds me of when I first was making my attempts at this. I was impressed by your quick progress. Same with Austin actually……y'all were pretty good at 4 to 6 months. Imma need to try this out again. Might have to re watch some video from all the channels I follow for calisthenics.
Yeah boi! Good to have you back dude
SOS has definitely come a long way. Huge improvement on the content quality!
my man is back at it!!!!
Dude you can back from the dead at the same exact time as me, we're like soul brothers from another mother
Back to the calisthenics awesome!
missed the intro!!
Welcome back bro'!
Man I wish I had a park like that near my house to exercise. My only options for a pull up bar are to get a gym membership (only for the bar since what I wanna do is calisthenics) or to buy one of those workout towers that include a bar and dip station. Pretty sure I'm gonna go for the latter. Glad you're back!
that's actually a super equipped park.. most TO parks now are plain shit aha
all comes from the basics… nice video bro…
These boyz sound Canadian, like T-DOT accent. hahaha
hey brother nice channel I was looking for some advice on how to increase strength and endurance and hitting isolated muscles using calisthenics
Just saw this I love the attitude you have brother keep it up! +1 sub!
I heard that completely locking out in most exercises wears down your joints faster. For me, I just barely don't lock out and instead pause for about a second at the top of my movement in order to make up for it. So now exercises like push-ups and dips no longer make my joints ache as much as they did when I did them fully locking out 😉
where is this at! thats an awesome park! dang im so jealous!!!!!
Man that park is super equipped
Wtf you crazy your fit