If you are considering a Mercedes Sprinter as your possible tiny home on wheels, this setup may be for you. This awesome couple did a great job converting their camper van into a full time tiny home on wheels. They also shared their mobile incomes with all of you to give you a little bit of an idea of how you could possibly make money on the road!
Their Instagram ~ https://www.instagram.com/van.there/
Mike’s Art Instagram ~ @drawn_there
Their Information Links ~ https://linktr.ee/van.there
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Thank you to Stephen Havens and Jim Hoadley for your support!
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Drone ~ http://amzn.to/2ytT9VQ
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44 комментария
Thank you so much for sharing our story! Beautiful work, Chris!
Love your Art!!
Two beautiful people living a lovely life. Thank you for sharing.
Poor little Vinny is shaking like a nervous school girl.
Where do you keep your hunting gear?
I LOVE Everything About Your layout.
Pets don't make a whole lot of sense to me in general, but make more sense at a home, but the insecurity to have one in a car, camper etc. or take them with you to a store is just beyond comprehension
Love the table. We have such a problem climbing around the table in our camper.
really nice well thought out van build
nice cameltoe
Nice tour of the van and her camel toe.
I thought the toilet storage was pretty genius, but what about a shower? Did I miss it?
the dog keep shivering?
toilet right where u make food nice
Those folding hooks from Zen Vans cost $1200.00 lol
That's a lovely home you've built, and your drawings are wonderful too, I like the style and the colour palette you've used. I hope you're having some awesome adventures. Happy travels and thanks for the tour. 🙂
Too bad Bay Area was taken over by Indian Mafia.
love your concept of capturing moments in your life. I am an artist too and dabble with guitar, but creating a sketch book of drawings from your travels. It just rings true, god bless and hope to see more
Cool MTV Cribs
Very likable couple. Very genuine. Refreshing to see.
He I just got a 2009 170 high top were do you were accessories and that really cool hammock stand .
cool Video.
No shower?? okay bye
What's the name of the company you freelance with? Sounds really cool!
This is very cool, I'd love to be able to do this.
P.S. Was Vinnie one of the stars of "Pinky and the Brain?"
No privacy when using the toilet ?? And its way too close to the sink in kitchen.
Did I just see you guys in wa?
Oh you guys from the bay!? Nice. I just bought my van and everyone kept asking "how/where are you going to park that in the city". Good thing I have a driveway! Also it was so cute how the doggy kept running to the back of the van and looked so confused!
sick build. Build mine as well but not nearly as good as you guys. Hey one question, how does it workout for you guys to have hte bed the other way?
this is a cool couple and a nice setup they got going.
It’s great to take a shit while your wife/husband prepare a delicious meal… right beside you <3
Girl you need to marry a real gentlemen who can put a roof over you head, not a nomadic caveman.
Stop with this hipster shit, time won't wait for you.
Very cool
How do u earn money drawing.? Really interrested in that. How do u sell it? Who buys it?
Best info on monitoring the van/pets when away from it. I worry about that in wanting to get a van or bus to live in.
What baffles me is that everytime I see a Van tour where the owners have bikes… the bikes aren't folding ones! Like, they try to save as much space as possible and then they store regular bikes. Why? It's driving me insane! hahaha
Awesome arrangement. Mike's a fantastic Artist! I've subscribed to your channel. Safe travels!
Cute Dog! so refreshing to hear a lady who can talk and is not the typical dumb stupid airhead type that normally can be found residing in vans, smart girl with an interesting occupation science is always interesting and right now i'm watching the TESS mission
Where did you get your watch, Jess?
Love the couple, their story and their van. But I wish camera could point to the things they're describing. Or use a wider angle lens.
Hello is your puppy Chihuahua if so how does he handle the road ? One of mine goes crazy when I leave the car even if I am 20 feet away and he can see me
Hi guys love the van, Just a Q the very end of this video you have a hammok did you make this or where did you buy it ?