This is a slow&chill movie, with our best automotive shots from 2013 & 2014 🙂 hope you guys will enjoy it. 😀
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This is a slow&chill movie, with our best automotive shots from 2013 & 2014 🙂 hope you guys will enjoy it. 😀
You can find more about us on:
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22 комментария
Imi place foarte mult ce faceti; sincere felicitari!
Bravo, vous êtes des génies, vous nous faites rêver avec de belles prises de vues, vous êtes mon inspiration ! Bravo à toute l'équipe !
awesome showreel!!!!
wirklich fett! 😉
Please don't stop doing this.
Cand te gandesti la filme despre masini si muzica buna, iti vin in minte clipurile lui Santos !!!
Felicitari pentru ceea ce faci, nu te opri sa ne surprinzi .
Ca de obicei o placere sa vizionezi asa ceva bravo Evl Skillz *Santos
N-am cuvinte sa pot explica ce simt in legatura cu acest filmulet, atat de superb poate fi.
O scurta trecere in revista a unui 2014 semnat EvL..bravo..asteptam un 2015 cel putin la fel de bun!
omule esti pur si simplu genial , scoti niste cadre de zici ca is scoase din filme pur si simplu genial , CAR PORN !!!
Foarte frumos ! N-am cuvinte .
Cum se numeste melodia ? 😀
love this
Felicitari de la Arad !!! 😉
Felicitari, EvL <3 Ai realizat ceva UNIC si SPECIAL. Nu te supara, cum se numeste melodia ? <3
your videos are great, good job, can you tell me how vou get to stabilize the image ? thank you
Hi +EvLSkillz +EvLSkillz
I am video editing student, and I think his work and incredible technique.
You turned great reference for me.
Filming amazing, amazing edition, amazing soundtracks, all amazing!
Congratulations for your work!
what did u use for color grading? any tutorial?
wow, very nice!
what city is this? bucharest ?