Name the company and the job, Audi. If you can't, than shut-up. You're owned by Volkswagen which just got caught committing major fraud. You're the one with an ethics problem.
I have a daughter, and what I tell her is the the truth: that there is no such thing as a generic male or female employee, and men & women choose different jobs that pay differently due to their location or flexibility; that single women in their 20s make more than single men the same age; that far more women are graduating from college than men are.
Well, you won't be able to tell her anything because you, sir, will either be dead by suicide or homeless and thus out of contact with your daughter. So don't worry about it. How's that male privilege working out for you?
10 комментариев
Name the company and the job, Audi. If you can't, than shut-up. You're owned by Volkswagen which just got caught committing major fraud. You're the one with an ethics problem.
Despite the "facts" of making less than men, why would any father not tell his daughter that she can do anything. Lame liberal narratives.
Tell your daughter that the first car to cross the finish line is the winner.
I have a daughter, and what I tell her is the the truth: that there is no such thing as a generic male or female employee, and men & women choose different jobs that pay differently due to their location or flexibility; that single women in their 20s make more than single men the same age; that far more women are graduating from college than men are.
what does the daughter tell her friends about her pussy beta dad.
"automatically valued less than any man she ever meets?". Give me a break. What a bunch of pandering nonsense.
When your dad is a straight up bigot and a German car company is tone deaf.
Maybe you'll be able to tell her how you went to jail for fraud concerning VW emissions and fucked up the environment.
I thought Audi was better than this. It's like they did zero research before making this commercial.
Well, you won't be able to tell her anything because you, sir, will either be dead by suicide or homeless and thus out of contact with your daughter. So don't worry about it. How's that male privilege working out for you?