«Audi R8 Decepticon»
See full work at: http://bit.ly/ZjjrA6
The «Audi R8 Decepticon» is a Decepticon from the «Transformers — Dark side of the Moon» portion of the live-action film series continuity. The Audi R8 Decepticon shares the same body-type and reuses the CGI model of «Sideways» from «Revenge of the Fallen», but given Sideways death by bisection and explosion in that film, it’s unlikely this guy was intended to be him. He’s not the only Decepticon that shares a body-type with Sideways
Info Source: http://tfwiki.net/wiki/Audi_R8_Decepticon
CGI Character Design: Josh Nizzi http://www.joshnizzi.com/
Transformers Copyright is owned by DreamWorks LLC., Paramount Pictures and Hasbro.
This 3D animation is the result of an advanced CGI tutorial.
Software: 3Ds Max 2013, V-Ray Adv 2.40.03.
Hardware: Intel DX79SI, i7-3960X, 64GB RAM, GeForce GTX 690.
April 2013 — © Marco Romero
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One response
that is not an R8