A pair of less than smart drivers decide to take an Audi R8 and Nissan GT-R out for a spin in the salty, slushy snow in Seattle. The R8 seemed to have no issues making its way up the very small hill, the GT-R on the other hand was just spinning its wheels. Both ended up retreating to a downhill plowed road instead.
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31 комментарий
Nissan even offers all seasons with not performance compromises of summers ( well a little) they are specially made dunlops just for the gtr
Would of been hilarious if he had tried to get outta there using the launch control lol
QUATTRO they said.
Doesnt matter what car you have.. summer tires dont do well in the snow..
Put some Hakkas on it!
Summer tire lovers are always fun to watch in winter 😀
@lolraxjimmy Because morons still think that their extra grippy summer rubber or their ultra awesome all seasons will kick snow in the ass. In reality, it's the other way around.
put on some winter tires……it's a different storie
no technology can fix stupid
he is giving it too much gas…. he needs to relax with the gas paddle
no brain — no winter tyres
summer tires
wrong tires
this video is fucking boring ….. Did you ran out of money for winter tires? No #financialplanningorcommonsense.what.so.effing.ever
you do know that the nissan GTR is 4 wheel drive (AWD) so should be fine in the snow, and i believe that the Audi R8 in this video is also a 4 wheel drive car(AWD) so really his video is pointless because the cars should be fine in the snow
snow tires would have done the trick.
Watch this: youtu.be/ukPkHuf5BRI?t=1m15s
Everyone please watch this how the GT-R climbs a show hill:
With snowtires the GT-R is unstoppable 😛
hahaha only in seattle
less than smart? wtf, audi is the only car to drive in snow!
snow tires….
Supercars just have too much instant power to the wheels for snow driving…
stupid peoples …wheels not for snow !!!…its normal ..
If it had some winter tires that GTR would probably be pretty vicious lol
Lol, typical rich UW students
Ma non montava gomme invernali !!
È scorretto mostrare questo filmato con auto gommate estive o da pista!,,
The GTR is a great car in snow driving (so they say), but you need 2 elemental things here that are clearly missing: winter tires, and most importantly, a competent driver.