Audi Quattro vs BMW xDrive in Snow 👀 ❄️ 😛 Your Favorite car BMW or AUDI ?
By Audi Power
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18 комментариев
Its not that bmw has bad all wheel drive its just on these vids the drivers are going threw the snow to slow if they would accselarate a bit they would make it
Subaru all day ,, tho 4×4 caddy I drove in Latvia was seriously good red tdi.
comme par hasard la taille de la neige pour la audi et moi base alors nme prend pas pour un con
Че он арет как сука
1. autor of the video is kid 2. 70% of problems driving on snow is fckin tires, bad tires-u stuck 3. I drove xdrive, 4 mattic, quattro, subie, mitsubishi, and what can I say, subie=mitsubishi-good, cause its 50/50 and with good tires u really just dont care about snow, u can go everywhere. xdrive is kinda like quattro nowadays-good tires, u can go everywhere, if u want to drift on snow, be carefull, 40/60, 4 mattic is like, bro, just drop that shit into bin, its awful
Les utilisateurs des différentes BMW n'ont tout simplement pas actionné le système de blocage de differentiels car pour avoir travaillé pour Audi, Mercedes et BMW, le système BMW XDrive est le plus performant du marché. Votre comparatif n'est pas très fair-play.
You upload audi quattro in 3cm snow
The bmw in 20cm snow
Audi has a cheap interior, seats are uncomfortable, exhaust is plastic…
Bruh, literally it depends on the condition of the tires, both systems are good
Jak opony są gówniane to żaden napęd nie da rady!! Mam BMW z napędem na tył i nowe opony kormoran zapierdala pod górę po śniegu aż miło. Gdy miałem stare opony twardą gumę bierznik chujowy to auto stało w miejscu aż wstyd jeździć było. Polecam nowe kapcie i będzie beseder.
İntelligent people will not trust this video. Look at the high of the snow when it's bmw and when it's audi. We need a fait challenge
just look at the quantity of snow that BMW was put in. this is not fair at all. use same grounds
BMW Mercedes 2 çekee
audi 4×4 çeker sahtekarlık yapmayın
I love audii
I have a BMW and watching this is very depressing if I am in deep snow. What does Audi have in their system that others don't have? Video is so in favor of Audi, I don't know what to make of it. It is embarrassing for BMW.
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