Weight: 3650kg, so it's more than maximum for passenger vehicle (3500 gross in EU). How do you register one if it is not state-owned vehicle with some kind of exempt? As a truck? Bus? Other special equipment vehicle (like how big campers are registered?) Does it have a tachograph and a speed limiter (85km/h if it is truck/bus, 100km/h if it is bus meeting special requirements?)
…"so we drive on the track at speeds, which is very fast for a criminal, I think"…So if you stay within the law you can somehow drive faster than criminals?
James Bond would be jealous. Yeah — and at 13:16 that wet spot came in handy… I guess it always rains 50 m in front of the criminals so that you can slide your car around nicely.
Jesus christ make the information slower so you can actually read the fucking thing. It flashes by so fast you don't have time to read it so you have to continually keep pausing.
Great video, thanks for posting. The soundtrack though is too mellow for a beast like A8L SECURITY. Should have put up something like 'Soviet Connection' or perhaps Rammstein or Hans Zimmer since you're German!
47 комментариев
Which one is better? The audi or the mercedes guard??
Audi has the advantage by quattro, especially for wet and winter condition.
audi a8 is never for common people.
to audi. exei B7-8 thorakisi eno i mercedes exei B6-. Antexei rpg apo point blank afto re
12:50 I would like to see him doing "J" turn on dry surface
Thanks for comment!
From Archiv: Audi A8 L Security W12, test drive
Weight: 3650kg, so it's more than maximum for passenger vehicle (3500 gross in EU). How do you register one if it is not state-owned vehicle with some kind of exempt? As a truck? Bus? Other special equipment vehicle (like how big campers are registered?) Does it have a tachograph and a speed limiter (85km/h if it is truck/bus, 100km/h if it is bus meeting special requirements?)
i know, lets show everybody the indepth security levels of the car that transports most european polititians!!!!! is it just me……?
you know, its comfortable… ITS 500K EUROS!!!
Audi is the best in everything
omg das englisch !!!
Minute 15:50 a stone brakes the Audi R8 wind screen.
Lol didn't expect a dutch presenter… sounds like a dutchman anyways.
…"so we drive on the track at speeds, which is very fast for a criminal, I think"…So if you stay within the law you can somehow drive faster than criminals?
the rear seat slide forward + the foot rest can be to get a great BJ.
Best part 03:39 :DD
windguard your fucking mic's …..
Pelo que eu assistir o conteúdo do canal você é um piloto excepcional!
ha ha das english das ist so schlecht das Auto lieber auf deutsch — Bewerben- dann versteht man ihn wenigstens und die Inselaffen ihn vl auch xDD
Clean your camera lens.
constructive criticism, because your video seems well made:
lower the volume of the music. it adds almost nothing having the music drown out the person speaking, and is distracting.
Those sluts like it in the rear
Germans hate Russians. German was probably thinking fucking rusky bastards.
Vadim next time clean your camera lens
Bonus content —> 16:58
You are welcome guys. 😀
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Makes you sound really interested and professional.
Frank Martin: where can i get one of those?
Ye sure, like we realy thought it was a bullet hitting the car. LOL
James Bond would be jealous. Yeah — and at 13:16 that wet spot came in handy… I guess it always rains 50 m in front of the criminals so that you can slide your car around nicely.
Interesting stuff. That car must weigh as much as an elephant.
you better find real experts to demonstrate. also level of English is too poor. the guy in red audi shirt is not representative enough for Audi
would not have the need to buy one
If I need this type of car, it's time to move!
AUDI.. BEST. Mfg. Suloja
5 минута : "Серега, иди быстрей снимать"
5 минута : "Серега, иди быстрей снимать"
Jesus christ make the information slower so you can actually read the fucking thing. It flashes by so fast you don't have time to read it so you have to continually keep pausing.
the best part was when i saw the R8s lined up. I WANT TO HAVE JUST ONE OF THESE,….JUST ONE AND ILL BE HAPPY D:
lol, when the r8´s got hit by a stone. xd
Great video, thanks for posting. The soundtrack though is too mellow for a beast like A8L SECURITY. Should have put up something like 'Soviet Connection' or perhaps Rammstein or Hans Zimmer since you're German!
Horrible audio with the music too loud or at the wrong timing.
wrong choice of music the timing isnt good.
nice fancy car but. its too delicate for the riggers of war