Audi A8 L Security W12, 180 — degrees turn by Audi A8lL 6.3 FSI quattro Security, present by Rob Kunst(Audi driving experience), Dresden.
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Audi A8 L Security W12, 180 — degrees turn by Audi A8lL 6.3 FSI quattro Security, present by Rob Kunst(Audi driving experience), Dresden.
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6 комментариев
This guys is going to get someone killed or seriously hurt with bad information. His techniques is fatally flawed. This is why you see they have a wet surface where he spins the car. Try the same technique on a dry surface with all the Audi traction and he will squirt sideways faster than Obama spend $$.
The proper proceedure is at the point of turning the wheel you MUST release throttle and snap the wheel. This allows the car to pivot in place without going moving sideways. Remaining on the throttle will only delay the spin and as I stated pull the car car in another direction.
Mama, every viewer understood what you did there.
This car must have special transmission programming. Every Audi/VW product I've tried this in has stalled the engine if the wheel speed is too high when changing from reverse to forward gear.
Funny daddy
This was pathetic. First off, aside from the horrible driver and driving and bad/incompetent advice, the transmission shifter on that ZF transmission (same as on the Chrysler 300 and some other cars) is that it is iiiiimpossible to get the car into the desired gear when done quickly. You can't do it in a panic and without looking down to see what gear you have selected. Great transmission, but hoooooorrible shifter interface. Plain ridiculous. .. just another reason to hate this shifter: You are being shot at and you die because of your confusing shifter goes into Neutral when you wanted it in Reverse.
"For my 20 kids and many wives…"
Interesting reference.