Yet again working on the wife’s Audi A3 Cabriolet after an altercation with a Deer last year…finally found a new grille and doing a little paint correction in the process.
#Audicabriolet #audisofttop #Audi8p
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22 комментария
I like the content keep up the good work.
As you know pal I enjoy your vids just the rawness and nothing ott
Can we get a dog walking video
Hello Ade, where do you Jack up on? Can you show us a bit closer in another video??
How did you get to those T25s on the wheel well !? I can’t get anything in there . Please help
how much was the grill?
subbed, well done on 500 subs
what year is the model?
why replace it, looks kinda fine
I love the a3 cabrios
how long did this take you mate?
Hi, great video helped me decide to change my grill after a slight bump.I have sourced a grill (8P7 2011 A3 Cab) and to be honest i dont see a lot of clips on it ,i see plenty of screws attaching the grill ,i am trying to get as much info as possible before i remove and replace …..Or are there clips after you take the screw out..
The guilt trip worked, I subscribed.
As far as content. Please add how long each job takes.
Good job! good to see you avoid using the sills as a jacking point … but what are you using? the wishbone mount?
I'm one of the 96% of the people that isn't going to subscribe. I only came to watch a couple of Audi videos and nothing else you do is of interest to me. Not being harsh but just responding to your comment about subs. I think you'd get more subs if your channel was just about one thing maybe? You do a good job on the camera though but I'm just not interested in RC helicopters, bikes or your life. Maybe others that come here are interested in bikes but not Audis or your garden. Gave this vid a like though
Is this the same process as on the s3 8p? TIA
Nice. A tip for the video: Ditch the intro and increase the quality to atleast 720p
That's a great way to destroy x2 jacks
you can sell that old grill for £50 0n ebay. thats the asking price. even if its broke everyones doing it. i ended buying a brand new one for£130 it was a honeycombe one. ps your video was perfect. except for the nsr wheel choke. to stop the car rolling back. you had it infront of the wheel not the back of the back wheel lol
How did you remove the middle t piece the one you mentioned you had bother with?
How long you took to change it?
Thank for this video was a very big help