In this video, I’ll show you how to install Carbridge, The LeftyFl1p Tweak for IOS 10. With this tweak you’ll be able to run any app you want on Apple CarPlay.
This is a great alternative to NGXPlay
How to get CarPlay to play any app in your car
1. First you’ll need an iPhone with IOS 10 on it.
2. Backup your iPhone prior to doing this mod. If something happens to your phone during the process you’ll need a way to go back to a factory default. If you skip this step and try to restore your phone, you may lose IOS 10.
3. Next You’ll need to Jailbreak your iPhone. To do this, install Impactor and drag the yalu jailbreak to impactor.
For an in-depth tutorial on using impactor, click this link.
4. Once the jailbreak is on your phone. Run the Yalu app. After the phone reboots you’ll have jailbroken your iPhone. You should keep the app on your phone incase you need to rejailbreak it. This happens from time to time.
5. Next click on Cydia. We’ll need to make sure a few apps are installed before the CarPlay Tweak will work.
6.In Cydia install the following:
Perferenceloader isn’t searchable in Cydia, so you’ll need to navigate in your source tab
ex. Big Boss / System / PerferenceLoader
7. Right now, CarBridge (LeftyFl1p tweak) is in beta. Once the tweak goes public, you’ll be able to purchase it in Cydia. If you would like to donate to try out the beta version, please go on this thread.
Here’s the current thread on it
[MOD] Open/Run Any App in CarPlay
byu/The_White_Light inTweakBounty
You can donate $5-10 to the creator Leftyfl1p to gain access to the beta tweak and the message board on Discord. Once you’ve gained access to that, you’ll be able download the .deb file.
8. Install the leftyfl1p.deb file
You’ll need Filza to install this. Once you click (leftyfl1p.deb) you’ll want to open it in Fliza. Once you’ve imported the file into Filza, you’ll want to click install on the top right.
9. Finally once you’ve installed the leftyfl1p.deb file, you’ll now be able to put whatever apps you want on your CarPlay.
To do this, navigate to your settings and scroll down until you see CarBridge.
10. If you run into issues, please post them in the discord app. This will help the developer on what needs to be fixed.
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22 комментария
Electra for ios11 is out…please update this tweak, thank you
Hi where to donate to gell full access? Please let me know
does this work on ios 11
Can i do this to a ipad
Sooooo much better than NGX Play…..
Im new here. Just bought black 2018 Civic EX i looked for an hdmi port because i have the adapter as i use to use inside on my tv. the cydia website charges 10-$20 is that normal? I want to use waze and entertainment apps for trips can someone please message me like im 10 and walk me through step by step the best way. Ive heard somthing about "Electra"? that sounds great. PLEASE HELP! Im standing by right can email me martinac.chad0214 at g mail dot com
hey, how do you connect it with your car navi? How do I know if my navi is compatible?
bruh i am on ios 10.3.3 know any jb for 7 plus?
Awesome, so now I can watch movies while I drive along the highway!
Excellent tutorial. Thanks!
Are you supposed to give it your iTunes info when it asks for it or do you press cancel?
inputting your apple username and password in a jailbreak app seems sketchy
For those looking for the carbridge file:
how can i get carbridge file?
apple will probably let people use third party navigation apps on carplay
is there a way to make the video on all of the screen? So you don´t have to see the clock?
How about IOS 11.3? I got jailbreaked
here guys follow this, I have an iphone X in ios 11.3.1,
Use this guide to test carbridge in CarPlay, once cydia enables purchases and the developer releases the final product, you must uninstall this beta and buy the original from him. In the mean time send him your support! Developer: leftyfl1p
-Need jailbroken iPhone.
-Remove and uninstall all preview versions of CarBridge, CarBridge Dependencies and NGXPlay11.
-Install Filza 3.5.2-1 and NewTerm2 (iOS7 — 11) from cydia.
— on the phone use Chrome and go to and downlaod the file.
-"Download" button will turn into "Open in…" select that.
-"copy to Filza"
-This will lunch Filza and take you to the location of the file.
-Tap the file you moved, select "Install"
-Wait for the install then "Respring"
tested in IPhone 8+, iphone 6+, iphone x all in ios 11.3.1
I buy the app in cydia 5$ but i cant have the file can someone help me pliz
Does this work while driving
Open what in filza 1:41 ????