Had We desired to find some diversion that which provides diversion in the way of a partner or a child We would have found it with Ourselves from among the beautiful-eyed houris or angels were We to do so. But We did not do so thus We never desired it.
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28 комментариев
Earth is indeed flat, wake up guys bible and quran both support that
Muslims have in general a deep mental problem. Once, few years ago, I was chatting with a girl from Jordan on fb, and I hv shown to her during several days all the islamic sources : pedophilia, slavery, dead dogs bath in well of Budha'ah, killing of the apostates, etc.
She said to me : "I didnt know about all that, damn this is really heavy, this is really sick"
we talked again, do you know what she said to me ? She said to me THIS :
"Yanis ! I just saw a dream yesterday in my sleep, I saw a group of crows going to the left direction, and I was on the right side of the room looking at them, and they said to me 'we fear allah'. Allah talked to me ! It means islam is the truth !"
I was laughing so hard.
………….. Unbelievable- freaking- delusional- brainwashed-potatos, this little experience itself is the proof this cult is the most dangerous sect in history. And I have much more to tell ……..
A muslimah I knew short time ago, once narrated to me a hadith while we were sitting together.
After listening to her, I said to her :
"Yes, yes…… I know this hadith, its from Sahih Al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim."
She said to me : "No, its a quote from the prophet".
……………….. ^^
poor muslims.
Nong Nong,Proud Muslim,Truth Revealed and Abu Musa are illiterate,pagan,morons.I interacted with them over the past two weeks .They are the typical muslim dunces.Don't waste your time with them.Go talk to a rock in your garden instead.Hmmmmm…Does that make me a muslim?Muah….Muuuuuah!!!
Jabir b. Samura reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying:
I recognise the stone in Mecca which used to pay me salutations before my advent as a Prophet and I recognise that even now. https://sunnah.com/muslim/43/2
Galileo: the real story http://www.answering-islam.org/Science/galileo.html
Why would an "angel" strangle the "prophet" Muhammad?
"Gabriel came to me while I was asleep. He said: Recite! I said: I will not recite! And then he strangled me so that I believed he was death itself. Then he let me go and said: Recite! I said: I will not recite! And again he strangled me so that I thought he was death itself. But he let me go again and said: Recite! I said: What shall I recite, and I said this only in order to free myself from him and so that he would not do the same thing to me again. Gabriel said: 'Recite:"
Hardly seems like something a real angel would do.
Gabriel appeared as an angel of light. Lucifer is an angel of light. Coincidence , coincidence.
Flat Earth and the Qur'an https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Flat_Earth_and_the_Quran The Earth: Flat or Round? http://www.answering-islam.org/Quran/Science/earth_flat.html The Flat Earth Quran http://answering-islam.org/authors/shamoun/flat_earth_revisited.html
Qur'an and Science http://answeringislam.net/Quran/Science/index.htm
Qur'an and Science: Is the Earth Egg-Shaped? http://www.answering-islam.org/Quran/Science/earth_egg.html
Islam and the Setting of the Sun http://www.answering-islam.org/Quran/Science/sun_set.html
Are Mountains "Pegs" Which Prevent the Earth from Shaking? http://www.answering-islam.org/authors/vargo/mountains_pegs.html The Qur'an and Mountains https://wikiislam.net/wiki/The_Quran_and_Mountains
Laika the Dog & the First Animals in Space https://www.space.com/17764-laika-first-animals-in-space.html
Comparative Index to Islam: Zakat http://answering-islam.org/Index/Z/zakat.html
Am sorry for muslims who don't even know who's Allah or what's Allah!!! Can someone tells us the meaning of that??? Am so disappointed not to see a muslim who's able to answer .n how Allah can have sex by ourselves???
Muslim translators are very uncomfortable with the idea of making an accurate translation, for the Quran is replete with strong language, perversion and other objectionable matter. Qur'an Versions http://www.answering-islam.org/Quran/Versions/index.html
great detailed work as usual, keep save!
Yeah death came in the form of sheep for maha mad……lol
is it logic for a muslim to believe muhammad's father impregnated his mother with him for 4 years? lols….. muslims you are all stupid, muhammad's father is unknown, his father died 4yrs ago before her mother conceived him in her womb.
dear bro cp thank you very much for not bashing the catholic church. keep it up. catholics orthodox and protestants are suffering under islam. we fight islam and not one another. so thanks once again cp for not being like othes by maintaining your neutrality. whats more you are gender neutral too. God bless you my dear bro in christ.
Hi CP. Would you like to open the setting for the Community Contributions of your clips in youtube? By doing that, people can participate in translating your videos in multiple languages.
The thing is, you even can't speak Arabic well. And Islam will rise forever and you dirty, pervert Nasari can't do anything. لاإله إلاالله محمد رسول الله.
I believe with all my heart that aLlaH is Satan 100 percent
U nailed it AGAIN.. the bigg bull..t of Islam.. hmmmm..
C.P. I have noticed many times you have said DUMB. Brother its pronounced in English as DUMM as the B is silent 😉
How could Islam is logic? You muslim have no brain to think islam is about logic. You muslim your brain is in your butts and your brains full of camels urine.
most muslims do not understand what Islam is? do not know Islamic history? or just muslims by tradition. Mohammad did not fly to see Al-lah the demon of mekka/mecca on a black flying donkey stolen off a jewish trader , the koran quaran/kloran is the book of demons
What do you mean 'I want to show you ANOTHER example of the stupidity of Muslims?!' How is that even possible? You are already up to ten thousand and sixty-five examples… I've been counting.
You mean, you mean… there's MORE??!!