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BMW M4 (2014)
Silence is overrated
As a renowned aftermarket exhaust manufacturer, Akrapovic entrusted us with the challenge of creating a film that would not only work as an informational video, but also could generate a viral effect.
We chose a simple yet delicate narrative to stress the importance of sound, while connecting the side story to the product itself.
With close to 2.5 million views, we can happily report that expectations have been exceeded.
What Format67 stands for:
Format67 began visualizing stories about cars and the people behind them in 2012. Back then the automotive lifestyle didn’t have the pop culture status it has today. Friends from all over the world tell us that we were one a driving force in establishing this way of life. Today we’re happy to see car enthusiasts everywhere, proudly sharing their passion in much stronger communities. We are glad to be a part of it since day 1 and we still love to make this lifestyle accessible with our films, our photography and our stories.
Format67 began visualizing stories about cars and the people behind them in 2012. Back then the automotive lifestyle didn’t have the pop culture status it has today. Friends from all over the world tell us that we were one a driving force in establishing this way of life. Today we’re happy to see car enthusiasts everywhere, proudly sharing their passion in much stronger communities. We are glad to be a part of it since day 1 and we still love to make this lifestyle accessible with our films, our photography and our stories.
truly yours
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21 комментарий
First!! Long time fan and subscriber!! Beautifully done as usual man, love all these cinematics!
I make videos on my car and motorbike if anyone's interested to check me out comment and I'll check your channel out too!!! 🙂 Cheers!
wonderful sound!
awesome cinematography !
richtig gutes Video!!!
mal ne Frage, hast du mit den Videos als Hobby angefangen und es jetzt zum Beruf gemacht für Firmen solche Videos zu drehen?
intense <3
Frankfurt my love. Top Arbeit!!
well it certainly sounds much better than the terrible stock set up. amazing viddo production
Would have been much much better without narration.
Good job Format67! another great job at the video work! I expected you to have alot more sponsorship deals by now, but I hope you are getting plenty of offers soon if if you havnt been already (cannot see why not)
I miss your videos… Format67 and Clashproductions. You guys disappeared. 🙁
Dose only me see that this video very very similar to the The Perfect Week GTR
ist der Motor Kalt gib ihm 6.5 🙂 Format 67 ist einer der gründe warum ich selber angefangen habe zu Filmen , weiter so Jungs Danke
hey Format67! We need 4K videos!
I love these "movies" I am just really sad they are now laced with advertisements. I know you have to make your money but I really appreciated the early stuff that gave passion to the vehicle! Just my two cents.
i like omega seamaster in the beginning
That sound….
Ich muss schon sagen.
Ihr seit ein Vorbild für mich geworden.
If you ever wondered why this channel doesn't grow.
Everytime more of the same. New video, same souless stuff .
1) Lots of skip scenes, cookie cuttery and unrelated scenes.. Clock, elevator, beard, people, sky, blurred lights (aka look into a deeper meaning when there is none).
2) Same old color filter and color editing like on every other video piece they made.
3) then they give you some car scenes and sounds, like 1/9th of the whole video that is about cars.
All that accompanied by some shallow and meaningless poetry every single time.
Long ago there was a time when these guys were truly different and non-Format. Now their name reflects them. Same format mainstream stuff.
Why am I here then you may ask? It is because these guys have a good taste in some rare and unheard music, so I come to this channel from time to time to find a new cool song.