Part 2: Tutorial on how to service your Mercedes M110 engine. Topics covered: Necessary tools, unplug sparc plug cables, open valve box cover, adjust valve play, forward engine manually and close everything properly
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Part 2: Tutorial on how to service your Mercedes M110 engine. Topics covered: Necessary tools, unplug sparc plug cables, open valve box cover, adjust valve play, forward engine manually and close everything properly
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21 комментарий
Super video!
nur wäre es für evtl noch kommende videos meiner Meinung nach besser wenn du Deutsch redest und englische Untertitel machst wie bei dem Radlagervideo. dann verstehen das sowohl die deutsch- als auch die englischsprachigen Leut 😉
Nichts gegen deine Englischkünste aber die Aussprache is halt ned grad perfekt… ned übelnehmen bitte 😀
aber technisch top das video ich freu mich schon auf mehr!
I'm trying to adjust the valve play on my m115 engine, the straight 4 cyl, I seem to be unable to turn the adjusting screws, there is zero gap watsoever between the rockers and the camshaft, I think the valves are sticking open and making it lose compression. Do you know why i cant turn the adjusting screws? is there something im missing? does it mean theyve been adjusted as far as they'll go?
@wfuckit I'd rather be careful giving you advice on an engine I've never seen. Maybe two hints: The adjustment screws are self-locking and not easy to turn. For the m110, professionals use a specially curved and fairly long wrench. In case non of the screws move, chances are that you don't try hard enough. If that ain't the problem, the so-called pressure pads/pressure pieces you are dealing with can be changed — or at least examined. To remove them, the tool 110589046100 is helpful.
@knutzipferd Thanks for the advice, I think im just not understanding the self locking nut. The adjustment screws look prettymuch exactly like the ones in your video. There is a larger lower one, and a smaller one on top. Do i have to loosen the lower one in order to adjust the upper one? I was able to loosen them more easily than tighten, both were very difficult. I need to turn them down a couple of turns and give it more clearance.
@knutzipferd *correction, I was able to turn the smaller upper screw in both directions, unscrewing it was a little easier. I was not able to move the larger lower nut at all.
Gutes Video !! sehr gut erklärt !!!
Yeah good video sure makes the job look simple enough, but do I really need to bother about checking the valve clearances ? Also when replacing the valve cover is it ok the reuse the original rubber seal again? I don't understand why people insist in changing out rocker cover gaskets all the time
A propper valve clearance allows your engine to completely burn the fuel which results in cleaner operation and you get more torque from the same amount of fuel.If it has never been done you might want to check but more than every 10,000km should not be necessary. Keep the rubber seal if in good shape.
Super video excellent ThAnkyou thAnkyou .
Does anyone know what would a louder tick indicate on one of the valves while the engine is running, valves not yet adjusted and checked???
This was a bitch of a job and my 17mm spanner broke, ouch! I found that all my exhaust valves were too tight? I also found that the 17mm adjusting bolt is very hard to turn in either direction. What is the lower but for? It is larger but do I need to slacken or tighten it?
I have a 1973 280, W114. It doesn't seem like I can fit on a wrench to rotate the crankshaft. There is not enough room between the engine and radiator. To do this on my car must I remove the radiator?
some people simply turn the engine by turning the ignition key very shortly. Before doing this, make sure you remove the cable between the firing coil and the ignition distributor. If you don't and your engine starts, oil will spead all over the place.
It's called a cam lobe and a camshaft and a tappet DON'T do it if you don't know what your doing
Informative video — thanks for posting.
hi, i have the same model engine in a W108 250se, when i star the engine i hear a sound like a knock very hard and repeatedly inside, i think it is the crankshaft hitting the valves and doesn't have the real adjust, but the mecanic say that is normal, what do you think is the problem? the car have a low performance after i star hearing this sound
Great video, really helpful, thanks
Piece of shit M110 engine.
what tool you were used to check camshaft ?
Another option would be to set according to the 1-5-3-6-2-4 firing order, this allows one to set both the inlet and exhaust on the same cylinder, although I also prefer to do it like you. Ach ja, der schöne Deutsche Akzent aus der Heimat ist auch ganz nett. 🙂