This abandoned building exploration takes place inside The Huron Place Apartments in East Cleveland, Ohio. This structure has been abandoned for two years. It sits wide open for vandals and scavengers to take whatever and whenever they want. This location was a sought after address with a waiting list. Many of the Huron Hospital staff took advantage of being close to their jobs. The Mayor Gary Norton Jr. made a deal to get rid of the hospital, the apartments quickly became vacant. The building management would then turned to Section 8 to fill up the empty apartments. This was short lived and the condition of the building began to deteriorate to the point of abandonment. Calls to the police has yielded nothing for nearby residents, as scrappers run rampant. The owner was sued for back taxes and his last known location was in Florida. The owner has deserted this property and can not be reached.
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31 комментарий
Built in 1961, renovated in 1973, suffered frozen pipes which leaked and destroyed the electrical and heating system as well as most of the tenant's belongings, in 2013. It sounds like the owners sucked. This one I support the scrappers. If the owners don't want to maintain their property, they deserve to lose their investment. Too bad for the people who lived there though. It looks like it was a nice building.
Our burnt out cars are mostly involved in the Kinahan-Hutch feud here in Ireland. Dane, what about your politicians, why not get them involved as they have neglected Cleveland. When ever I think Cleveland, I think of those girls that were kidnapped.
7 More floors and not even heavy breathing, you must be fit!!!!!
5:02 Ayy
could a corrupt mayor and building owner have had anything to do with this? what a mess.
also when you hear me saying don't look down don't look down. .. ya had to didn't ya?
Time to dynamite this building
Is this bulding hit bij a Tornado?
Thanks for the videos, your videos are the best Urbex I've seen along with Dan Bell's stuff. Urbex videos to me are very interesting resources; documenting the disarray and decay of modern society and whatnot
wow thanks for the video. This is surreal to me because i made the mistake of living here years ago. I drove by the other day and wondered the in the world happened!!
Tumble-weaves galore! 0.o
Ok whats all the rattling noise. Its annoying
ayyee I live in Youngstown Ohio, I'm visiting Cleveland next week
If you can read this,im glad you can read
Have you ever encountered anyone living in these abandon homes/apartments?
You got some cast iron balls going into buildings like that dude, you wanna be real careful
7:40 I wouldn't have been wearing no chuccs going thru a building I wuda had sum steel toes on
Almost looks more like an evacuation than an abandonment. Thanks for taking us along.
You got massive balls man. Going into that building by yourself
This seems like a very sketchy part of Cleveland
1 major thing about this building if you did not take notice it has 13 floors that is why this building is no good
MY first get was Detroit MI next Guess Cleveland OH
that white car is a 1992-1993 Ford Crown Vic
The second one a late 90's early 2000's Dodge Durango
Why did someone go in there and take all the lock cylinders off all the doors?
My cat is very confused by all the bird sounds in this video
These are great! I'm really liking your explores. You have great places to choose from, and I like how you brush up on some of the history to give it some context.
In some of these bigger buildings, a partner would not only be good for security, but also an extra camera to cover more ground.
Looks like a typical Obamaville.
Those gang symbols always give me the creeps for some reason
17:55 Aww
I can’t believe how destroyed this place is, yet the smoke detectors are still chirping.