A rendering tip you might interesting, Enjoy! Octane Tetxure Packs — https://store.motionsquared.net/collections/products/octane-textures
Cinema 4D Texture Packs — https://store.motionsquared.net/collections/products/cinema-4d-textures
Cinema 4D Carpaint — https://store.motionsquared.net/collections/products/products/cinema-4d-car-paint
Textures Bundle Deal — https://store.motionsquared.net/collections/products/products/the-ultimate-bundle
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12 комментариев
For those who can afford the Octane-Renderer ($ 269) — nice tip…
best regards
This is a great idea i think! Very interesting approach
Can anybody recommend a detailed tutorial on camera mapping and projection mapping? a really want to learn on how to blend models with a picture
P I R A T E octane render, who knows?
Smart pants 🙂 Good job
Hi Don. I'm wondering if you are able to develop a course about tips and tricks you've found in your career in Cinema 4D
Great tips.
Personnaly I would prefer to do 2 separate passes, the first with the render and the other with fog effect everything else with a full black material and composite the two passes in post.
Wizardry. 8)
I like how in the second picture, he forgot to remove the legs…
Great video btw!