I'd like to know how you got that last nut off without removing the steering column? I have a 98 and there is some black plastic bracket that holds the column and there is no clear path to get on that nut. I can get a deep socket on it but then there is only 1/4 inch clearance between the socket and that bracket so no way to get the ratchet on.
you don't need to remove the lines from the master cylinder, you can move it out of the way and get the booster off with the lines still attached. ive done it
5 комментариев
what the fuck is a fo.3 litre?
I'd like to know how you got that last nut off without removing the steering column? I have a 98 and there is some black plastic bracket that holds the column and there is no clear path to get on that nut. I can get a deep socket on it but then there is only 1/4 inch clearance between the socket and that bracket so no way to get the ratchet on.
universal joint will do it
you don't need to remove the lines from the master cylinder, you can move it out of the way and get the booster off with the lines still attached. ive done it
cool man..thnx but them last 4 bolts d****mn how do you get a wrench up in there?